查看全文    HTML 豹纹鳃棘鲈池塘生态育苗试验
Ecological breeding experiment of Plectropomus leopardus
中文关键词: 豹纹鳃棘鲈  池塘  育苗  生态
英文关键词: Plectropomus leopardus  pond  fostering  ecological
严俊贤,李有宁,吴开畅,陈明强,王世锋,冯永勤 中国水产科学院南海水产研究所海南大学海洋学院/热带生物资源教育部重点实验室 
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      在水泥池塘中利用有益微生物制剂和添加微藻建立稳定良好育苗水体生态,进行豹纹鳃棘鲈的人工育苗试验。5批次共购入豹纹鳃棘鲈鱼卵450 万粒,放于浮箱中孵化,在水温25~28℃中受精卵经过24 h左右孵出仔鱼,受精卵平均孵化率为88.9%,最高达93.3%。仔鱼经过26~33 d左右的发育,共培育出体长2.0~2.8 cm的稚鱼49.7万尾,成活率均为10%以上,平均达12.36%,最高达14.3%。通过投放有益微生物制和添加微藻能够较好地控制和调节水泥池塘水质,提高豹纹鳃棘鲈育苗成活率,取得较稳定的育苗效果。
      In the experiment, the beneficial biological was used to establish and stabilize ecosystem in the ponds to foster Plectropomus leopardus. 4.5 million fertilized eggs of P. leopardus were bought and hatched in the fetching cage for 24 hours under the temperature of 25~28℃. And the average hatching rate was 88.9%, the highest one was 93.3%. After 26~33 days hatching and fostering,497 thousand juvenile fish were reached to 2.0~2.8 cm long, the survival rate was more than 10% and the average survival rate was 12.36%, the highest one was 14.3%. The result showed that the water quality could be regulated preferably with biological and microalgae in the concrete ponds. So the hatching rate and survival rate could be enhanced to foster the juveniles of P. leopardus, and the stable effect of fostering could be got.
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