查看全文    HTML 河湾水质持续净化系统的构建及效果研究
The construction and effect of water continuous purification system at river course
中文关键词: 河道持续净化系统  常规污染物  去除效果
英文关键词: continuous purification system  conventional pollutants  removal efficiency
曾东,虢清伟,洪鸿加,胡习邦,洪伟,刘捷,许振成 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所广西壮族环境监测中心站 
摘要点击次数: 1533
全文下载次数: 519
      针对坪山河水体的污染特征,研究基于天然湾畔的河道持续净化系统,通过预处理、二级生物和沉淀以及深度净化等组合处理单元,开展坪山河河道污水强化处理成套技术研究。结果表明:河湾水质持续净化系统对坪山河水体中COD 的去除率为48.19%,对TP 的去除率为67.93%,对TN 的去除率为70.09%,对NH3-N 的去除率为80.15%,除极个别数据出现波动外,大部分各指标出水浓度均优于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)V 类水标准。该系统既能保证河水得到充分、有效的处理,保障河道原有各项功能作用,且可以因地制宜,选取合适的工艺灵活运用,极大缓解污水处理厂处理能力的不足;人工湿地作为河道景观还能改善和美观河道的生态环境;此外袁该示范工程吨水运行费用仅为0.19 元,能产生良好的经济效益与景观效应,在河道治理方面有着较大的发展和应用前景。
      According to the water pollution characteristics in Ping Shan river, the integrity technology of waste water enhanced treatment in river system was studied based on the water continuous purification system, which consisted of the pre-treatment unit,biological treatment unit, sediment unit and advanced purification unit. The results showed that the average removal rates of COD, TP, TN and NH3-N by the system are 48.19%, 67.93%, 70.09% and 80.15%, respectively. Most of the concentration of each index of water could reach the five class of National surface water standard except some volatility index. This system not only makes the river get effective treatment, but also ensures the functions of river and alleviates the inadequacy of ability of sewage treatment plant. Meanwhile, the wetland landscape can improve the ecological environment of the river. Thus, this system has great development potentiality and good development prospect in the area of cleaning up the river environment.
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