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The carbon storage and distribution patterns of Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata plantation ecosystem
中文关键词: 青钩栲  人工林  碳储量  碳密度  分配格局
英文关键词: Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata  plantation  carbon storage  carbon density  distribution pattern
李元强,吴庆标,覃德文 广西大学林学院 
摘要点击次数: 1386
全文下载次数: 475
      对广西南宁良风江27年生青钩栲人工林生态系统的生物量尧碳密度尧碳储量及其空间分配特征进行了研究遥结果表明院青钩栲人工林不同器官的平均碳素密度为459.6~491.9 g/kg袁其含量由高到低依次为院枯枝>干>根兜>中根>粗根>大枝>细枝>细 根>叶袁青钩栲各器官的碳素密度存在显著差异曰青钩栲人工林生态系统中的碳储量表现为院土壤层>乔木层>灌木层>凋落物层>草本层曰土壤碳素密度随着深度的增加逐渐降低袁碳素含量主要集中在0~40 cm的土层曰青钩栲人工林生态系统的碳储量为206.96t/hm2袁其中乔木层占39.61%袁灌木层占2.53%袁草本层占0.14%袁凋落物层占0.54%袁土壤层占57.18%曰乔木层中树干的碳储量最高袁为43.24 t/hm2袁占总碳储量的20.89%曰青钩栲人工林每年的净生产力为21.51 t/hm2袁净固碳量为8.80 t/hm2袁净碳素积累量为3.05 t/hm2袁有较好的碳汇潜力遥
      A study was carried out to analyse the carbon density, storage and accumulation pattern of 27 years old standing forest of Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata plantation ecosystem in Liangfengjiang forestry park, Nanning, Guangxi province. The results showed thatthe average carbon content in different organs in tree layer of C. kawakamii plantation stands range from 459.6~ 491.9 g/kg, and decreased in the order as deadwood stick>stem>major root>medium root>coarse root>great branches>twigs>coarse root>leaf. The carbon content in different organs in tree layer were significant different. The total storage of carbon distribution of the C. kawakamii plantation ecosystems were in the order of soil layer>tree layer>shrub layer>herbal layer. The carbon density in the soil layer was decreasing by the increase of soil deepness gradually, the carbon content was mainly concentrated in 0~40 cm of soil than other layers. The total carbon storages of C. kawakamii plantation ecosystems was 206.96 t/hm2. And tree layer, shrub layer, field layer and litter layer took 39.61%,2.53%, 0.14%, 0.54% of the total storage respectively, and the soil layer accounted for 57.18%. Stem accumulated the highest carbon storage in vegetation layer, the amount was 43.24 t/hm2, comprised 20.89% of the carbon storage by the total storage. The annual net productivity of 27-year-old Castanopsis kawakamii plantation was 21.51 t/hm2袁and annual carbon fixation was up to 8.80 t/hm2, and net carbon accumulation was 3.05 t/hm2. It has a high potential of carbon sequestration .
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