查看全文    HTML 茶树短穗扦插育苗关键技术及经济效益分析
The cutting propagation key technologies of tea and analysis on the economic benefits
中文关键词: 茶树  短穗扦插  效益
英文关键词: tea tree  cutting propagation  economic benefits
谢文钢,黄福涛,李万林,丁华,唐茜 1.四川农业大学园艺学院四川雅安6250142.雅安市名山区香水苗木种植农民专业合作社四川雅安625100 
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全文下载次数: 547
      茶树良种的繁育是加快良种转化为生产力的重要环节,但常规育苗周期一般为13~18 个月,周期长,出圃数较少且管理成本高。为进一步提高茶苗出圃率、苗木质量和育苗效益,本课题组和茅河乡香水苗木种植农民专业合作社经多年的试验和生产应用,结合川西茶区实际,研究总结出一套茶树短穗扦插的关键技术,主要通过使用旋耕机整地、提高苗圃土地利用率和扦插密度、加强苗圃管理来实现多出苗,出壮苗,出圃率及育苗效益均提高1倍以上,该技术目前在四川川西茶区广泛推广应用,取得了较好的经济效益。
      Tea seed breeding is an important part to accelerate the seed into productivity. But a conventional breeding cycle is generally 13 to 18 months, its time is too long but fewer outputs and high management costs. To further enhance the emergence ratio of the tea tree, seedling quality and nursery effectiveness, Through our research group and The farmer Specialty Cooperative Organization of Xiang-shui Seedlings after years of testing and production applications, we summarized a key technology of tea cutting combined with the actual western sichuan tea areas, took many measures mainly included the use of rotary tiller preparation, improved land utilization and the density of the nursery cuttings, strengthen nursery management to achieve the production of more qualified tea seedlings, the enhancement of the nursery output rate and its economic benefit was increased more than 1 times ,the technology currently in Western Sichuan tea areas widely used.In the tea cutting breeding process, from the female parent cultivation to the management of the cutting nursery and other key technologies are discussed in detail, and analyze the cost structure and economic benefits of tea tree.
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