查看全文    HTML 梵净山药用植物初步调查及保护策略
Primary investigation and conservation strategy of medicinal plant species in Fanjing mountain
中文关键词: 梵净山  药用植物  初步调查  保护策略
英文关键词: Fanjing mountain  medicinal plant species  primary investigation  conservation strategy
鲁道旺,宋邦喜,吴仕国,刘建民,王大忠,高健强 1.铜仁学院生物科学与化学系贵州铜仁5543002.梵净山野生动植物资源保护与利用研究中心贵州铜仁5543003.梵净山特色动植物资源重点实验室贵州铜仁554300 
摘要点击次数: 1491
全文下载次数: 597
      According to the investigation in different field samples in Fanjing Mountain and its adjacent areas since 2010, herbariums in Tongren University and research datum, 460 species (or varietas) of medicinal plant were recorded, which belonged to 308 genera and 109 families, and outnumbered former record by 28 genera in higher plants. The number of first-grade state protection and Class II protected medicinal plant species were 7 and 41 respectively (former records were 1 and 8 respectively), and the number of endangered, rare and endangered medicinal plant species (or varietas) were 89 and 59 respectively (former record, endangered rare and vulnerable medicinal plant species were 21, 2 and 21 respectively). And there were various and abundant plant species which had large potential of exploitation and utilization. But compared to 10 years ago, the number of medicinal plant significantly reduced, and the area of some rare species which endanged extinction had reduced over 95%. Therefore it wasa large engeneering that medicinal plant species were longly protectd and utilized.
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