查看全文    HTML 添加不同浓度过瘤胃脂肪对奶牛产后MUN、NEFA、BHBA及繁殖的影响
Effects of adding different concentrations of undegradable fatty on MUN, NEFA, BHBA and reproduction in postpartum cows
中文关键词: 过瘤胃脂肪  乳尿素氮(MUN)  非酯仅脂肪酸(NEFA)  茁羟丁酸(BHBA)  繁殖性能
英文关键词: undegegradable fatty  Milk Urea Nitrogen(MUN)  Non-esterified Fatty Acids(NEFA)  茁-Hydroxybutyric Acids(BHBA)  reproductive performance
淡新刚,韩元,史远刚 宁夏大学农学院银川正大有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1572
全文下载次数: 603
      通过对产后高产奶牛添加不同浓度的过瘤胃脂肪,研究过瘤胃脂肪对奶牛产后MUN、NEFA、BHBA及繁殖的影响。结果表明,添加200g和400g过瘤胃脂肪都能在一定程度上降低产后泌乳高峰期MUN、NEFA、BHBA的浓度,与空白对照组比较差异显著,后者略好于前者;另外添加400g过瘤胃脂肪组奶牛产后平均配种次数显著低于对照组(1.4±0.35VS 2.1±0.28),奶牛空怀间隔也显著低于对照组(102±22.5 vs 126±23.6),产后情期受胎率和100d受胎率明显高于对照组。可见,添加一定量的过瘤胃脂肪在一定程度能够降低高产奶牛产后MUN、NEFA、BHBA的浓度袁提高了产后奶牛的繁殖性能。
      The paper investigated the effects of adding different concentrations of undegradable fatty on MUN, NEFA,BHBA and reproduction on postpartum cows with high yield. The results showed that adding 200 g and 400g undegradable fatty could reduce the concentration of MUN, NEFA and BHBA during postpartum lactation peak, the difference was significant compared with the control, and the latter was slightly better than the former. In addition, the mean number of services and the calving to conception interval were significantly lower than those of control group (1.4±0.35 VS 2.1±0.28; 102±22.5 VS 126±23.6), and while conception rate of first service or conception rate of postnatal 100 days were obviously higher than those of control group by adding 400 g undegradable fatty after calving. So adding certain amount of undegradable fatty could reduce partly the concentration of MUN, NEFA and BHBA, and improve the reproductive performance in postpartum cows.
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