陈 佩, 赵 冰, 庞宇辰,等.海藻糖对蛋糕品质影响的研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(3):94-98
查看全文    HTML 海藻糖对蛋糕品质影响的研究
Effects of trehalose on cake quality
中文关键词: 海藻糖  蛋糕  水分活度  比容  主成分分析
英文关键词: trehalose  cake  water activity  specific volume  principal components analysis
陈 佩, 赵 冰, 庞宇辰,等 华南农业大学食品学院 
摘要点击次数: 1801
全文下载次数: 1623
      探究了海藻糖对蛋糕品质的影响,以期开发出集品质、健康营养于一身的新型蛋糕。 在传统蛋糕 的基础上,用海藻糖替代传统蛋糕中 30%~50%的蔗糖,以成品蛋糕的比容、水分活度、失水率、质构性质(硬度 和咀嚼性、弹性和回复性、粘聚性)和感官评定为指标,研究其对蛋糕品质的影响。 结果表明:当取代量为 35% 时,蛋糕比容最大,在 30%~50%的取代范围内,随着海藻糖取代量的增加,蛋糕的水分活度明显降低,持水性增 加,感官品质得到改善,用主成分分析法得出海藻糖的建议添加量为 30%。
      The research was designed to investigate the effects of trehalose on the characteristics of cake and to develop a new type of cake with an integrated approach to quality, health and nutrition. The effects of trehalose on quality of cakes were studied by replacing 30%-50% of sugars in traditional method. All cakes were evaluated in terms of specific volume, Aw (water activity), water loss rate, sensory evaluation and textures including hardness,chewiness, springiness, resilience and cohesiveness. The results showed that trehalose effectively increased the specific volume, but decreased the rate of water loss and Aw. After replacing, the sensory qualities of cakes were improved. Based on the principal components analysis, the recommended substitution amount of trehalose was 30%.
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