查看全文    HTML 北京农业科技进步及其对生产要素作用研究
Research on agricultural scientific progress and its effect on production factors in Beijing
中文关键词: 北京  现代农业  科技进步  贡献率
英文关键词: Beijing  modern agriculture  technology progress  contribution rate
文长存,陈俊红 长江大学经济学院北京市农林科学院综合发展研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1147
全文下载次数: 406
      农业发展的根本出路在科技进步,评价农业科技进步现状及其对农业生产要素的促进作用,对指导现代农业建设和科技管理工作具有重要意义。基于索罗残差方法,定量研究北京市农业科技进步及其与农业生产各要素增长的关系。结果表明,北 京市农业科技进步贡献率已处于一个较高水平,且科技进步对提高农业劳动生产率和土地生产率的作用在逐渐加强,北京现代农业建设已走上了依靠科技创新驱动的内涵式发展道路。
      The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in technology progress. It has an important significance in guiding the modern agriculture's construction and management of science and technology to evaluate the current situation of agricultural science and technology and appraise its promotion of agricultural production elements. Based on the Solow residual method, this paper quantitative studied the scientific and technological progress in agriculture in Beijing and its relationship with agricultural factor of production growth.The research results showed that the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress in agriculture in Beijing has been at a high level, and the progress of science and technology played an important role in improving the productivity of land and agricultural labor gradually. Presently, Beijing's modern agriculture construction has proceed on the inward development routine which is driven by scientific and technological innovation.
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