查看全文    HTML 养殖生态因子对合浦珠母贝α-淀粉酶基因表达的影响
Effects of cultural ecological factors on the expression of α-amylase in Pinctada fucata
中文关键词: 合浦珠母贝  α-淀粉酶  基因表达  温度  盐度  饵料浓度  吊养水层
英文关键词: Pinctada fucata  α-amylase  gene expression  temperature  salinity  food concentration  water layer
李璐,甄昕,黄桂菊,薛桂英,范嗣刚,刘宝锁,喻子牛,喻达辉 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/农业部南海渔业资源开发与利用重点实验室上海海洋大学水产与生命学院长春市水产品质量安全检测中心中国科学院海洋生物资源可持续利用重点实验室 
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      运用实时荧光定量PCR技术对不同温度、盐度、饵料浓度及吊养水层下合浦珠母贝α-淀粉酶基因表达量进行了测定。结果表明,21℃时琢-淀粉酶mRNA表达量最高,低于或高于此温度时,表达量均呈现下降趋势,且差异显著曰琢-淀粉酶mRNA相对表达量随盐度升高呈现先上升后下降的趋势,表达量最高值出现在盐度27时,并与其他各盐度间差异显著;饵料浓度从8×104cells/mL升高至20×104cells/mL的过程中,表达量呈现先下降后上升的趋势,浓度为16×104 cells/mL时表达量最低;吊养深度对琢-淀粉酶mRNA相对表达量影响较大,浅水层(1、2、3m)低于深水层(4、5m),且差异极显著。
      Real -time Quantitative PCR assay was performed to estimate the relative mRNA expression level of α-amylase in response to gradients of ecological factors including temperature, salinity, food concentration and water depth. Results indicated that as the temperature rose the mRNA level increased with the highest level at 21益and then followed by a decrease within the range of 21~29℃. A similar expression pattern was presented responding to salinity variation. The mRNA level at midrange salinity(27) was significantly higher than both low and high salinities. In elevated food concentration treatments, mRNA level decreased first and then followed by an increase within the range of 8×104~20×104 cells/mL. The water depth had a great effect on the mRNA level. It was significantly higher in deep water (4,5 m) compared with that in shallow water (1,2 and 3 m).
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