查看全文    HTML 信息缺失、从众行为与生猪价格波动机制
Reasons for pork price volatility院informationscarcity and herd behavior
中文关键词: 信息缺失  从众行为  价格波动  生猪
英文关键词: information scarcity  herd behavior  price volatility  pork
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(71303002);教育部人文社会 科学基金(11YJC790054)
郭利京1,赵瑾2 1.安徽财经大学经济学院安徽蚌埠2330302援安徽科技学院管理学院安徽凤阳233100 
摘要点击次数: 1293
全文下载次数: 472
      信息是当今社会的心脏,是市场经济高效运转的基石。应用市场微观结构理论分析生猪价格波动的原 因要要信息缺失和从众行为。 结果表明,由于信息缺失,散养户过分关注当前市场价格和跟随规模养殖主体市场行为, 导致了众多散养户同时进出市场的从众行为,是造成生猪周期性供求失衡的主要原因。因此,应培养养殖主体搜集和 利用市场信息意识,建立生猪及猪肉生产供求总量信息数据库,为生猪经营者正确决策和生产行为提供信息支撑。
      Information is the heart of the society and it is the efficient cornerstone of the market economy. The impact of information on price is ignored by the conventional economics, which was based on supply and demand. This article analyzes the reasons for pork fluctuation by using microscopic theory of market structure. The results show that, backyard households pay too much attention to the current market price and follow the subject behavior of the scale breeding ,which led to numerous farmers herd behavior and is the main reason that causes the imbalance of supply and demand of pork cycle. The reasons for the majority agricultural products price fluctuation are information scarcity and the herd behavior. Therefore, it should cultivate agricultural operators to collect and use the awareness of the market information, found the information databases of agricultural production, circulation and supply and demand, to provide information for farmers, decision-making and production.
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