吴振先 韩冬梅 于卫东 雷晓宇.荔枝果实成熟品质评估指标体系的构建[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(1):32-36
查看全文    HTML 荔枝果实成熟品质评估指标体系的构建
Establishment of evaluation system for quality of ripened litchi fruit
中文关键词: 荔枝果实  品质评价  因子分析  回归模型
英文关键词: litchi fruit  quality evaluation  factor analysis  regression model
吴振先 韩冬梅 于卫东 雷晓宇 华南农业大学园艺学院广东省果蔬保鲜重点实验室广东省农科院果树研究所/农业部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室农业部亚热带水果生物学与种质资源利用重点实验室 
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      以国内不同生产区的 17 个荔枝(Litchi chinenesis Sonn.)主栽品种成熟期的果实为材料,研究不同品质 指标在果实品质综合评价中的作用,并建立预测模型。 结果表明院可食率、可溶性固形物(TSS)、果皮含水量、总糖含 量、果形指数等反映果实综合性状的指标,变异系数在 5%以下,具备物种相对稳定性;而大多单一成分指标,尤其是 营养指标,如糖组分、可滴定酸(TA)、固酸比、维生素 C(Vc)等,变异系数较大,体现了品种差异。因子分析结果得到 6 个公因子,其中贡献率较高的前 4 个因子是还原糖、果形、色度和酸度因子。 依据综合品质对 17 个品种进行分类院桂 味、黑叶、淮枝评分最高,其次是妃子笑、糯米糍、白糖罂,再次是兰竹,紫娘喜、大丁香、无核荔最低;综合评分较高的 品种,还原糖类含量较高,蔗糖含量较低,果形偏小、偏扁,低酸,外果皮偏红。 利用逐步回归方法,建立了荔枝果实品 质评估预测模型,其中各有效指标作用大小依次为果糖跃固酸比跃h 值跃横径跃总糖。
      This research was carried out to evaluate the roles of different quality indices which played in the comprehensive quality of ripened litchi fruit and establish a predicting model for it. The results showed that the indices for comprehensive characters, including edible rate, total soluble solids (TSS), pericarp moisture content, total sugar content,fruit shape index and so on with the coefficient of variation(CV) below 5%, reflected the stability of species traits. However, most of the indices for the single component, especially for the nutritional composition, like sugar components, titratable acid(TA), TSS to acid ratio, vitamin C(Vc) and so on with higher CVreflected the differences among litchi cultivars. By factor analysis, 6 common factors were simplified and pointed to the cultivar differences, the first 4 factors composed of sugar, fruit shape, chroma and acidity with higher cumulative contribution rate. Based on the comprehensive scores of ripened fruit, 17 cultivars were classified into 4 types, first was Guiwei, Heiye, and Huaizhi with the highest scores, second was Fei Zixiao, Nuo Mici, Bai Tangying et al, followed by Lanzhu, last was Zi Niangxi, Wu Heli, Da Dingxiang with the lowest scores, and the higher scores the higher reducing sugar, smaller size, flatter shape, lower acidity and redder pericarp. By the stepwise regression method, a predicting model for litchi fruit quality was established with 5 effective indices sorted as fructose跃solid acid ratio跃hue valuetransverse diameter total sugar.
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