吴剑辉,殷梅华.农业企业战略网络、关系能力及 经营绩效关系实证研究[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(18):179-186
查看全文    HTML 农业企业战略网络、关系能力及 经营绩效关系实证研究
Empirical study on relationship among strategic network,relationship capability and business performanceof agricultural enterprises
中文关键词: 市场未来性  信任关系  业务网络  关系能力  经营绩效
英文关键词: market futurity  trust relationship  business networks  relationship capability  business performance
基金项目:广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划项目 (GD11CGL15);教育部人文社会科学研究基金(13YJA 840024)
吴剑辉,殷梅华 广东工业大学经济与贸易学院广东 广州 510520 
摘要点击次数: 1278
全文下载次数: 411
      通过构建“农业企业战略网络合作- 关系能力- 经营绩效”理论模型,建立结构方程及抽样调查 208 家农业企业,使用Spss21.0 及Amos21.0 等软件实证分析战略网络合作中的市场未来性、信任关系和业务 网络三要素对农业企业市场关系能力及农业企业经营绩效的影响作用。实证结果表明,战略网络中的信任关 系与业务网络的构建对农业企业的经营绩效有正向积极的影响,且关系能力起完全中介作用;而关系能力对 市场未来性没有中介作用。
      By building“ strategic network cooperation - relationship capability - business performance of agricultural enterprises” theoretical model, this paper established a structural equation, investigated 208 agricultural enterprises and used software of SPSS 21.0 and Amos 21.0 to empirically analyze and discuss the influences of market futurity, trust relationship and business network on relationship capability and business performance. The empirical results showed that trust relationship and business network were beneficial to improve the business performance, and relationship capability played a complete mediation role. However,relationship capability had no mediation role in market futurity.
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