查看全文    HTML 江西与桂粤闽滇脐橙出口竞争力比较研究
Comparative analysis on export competitivenessof navel orange among Jiangxi,Guangxi,Guangdong,Fujian and Yunnan
中文关键词: 江西  脐橙  出口竞争力  省际比较
英文关键词: Jiangxi  navel orange  export competitiveness  provincial comparison
基金项目:江西省教育科学“十二五”规划项目 (14YB086);赣南师范学院校级课题(15kyw09)
陈亚艳,李越荣 赣南师范学院商学院江西 赣州 341000 
摘要点击次数: 1745
全文下载次数: 849
      赣南脐橙是江西省最具特色的出口农产品之一。赣州市是赣南脐橙的集中产区,脐橙种植面积居 世界首位。通过建立和完善产销两地对接的销售机制,赣南脐橙已经占领国内脐橙销售的大众市场。在国内市 场趋于饱和,脐橙深加工起步缓慢的背景下,加快赣南脐橙出口是脐橙产业发展的重要突破口。但是,与桂粤 闽滇四省相比,江西赣南脐橙的出口优势并不突出。江西需要积极借鉴其他四省的出口优势和举措,提升赣南 脐橙的出口竞争力,为赣南脐橙产业发展拓宽空间。
      Gannan navel orange is one of the most distinctive export agricultural products in Jiangxi province. Ganzhou city is the concentrated region for the Gannan navel orange,its navel orange planting area ranks the first place in the world. Through setting up and improving the sales of both production and marketing docking mechanism, Gannan navel orange has occupied the domestic market of navel orange sales. Under the background of the domestic market being saturated and the slow starting for the deep processing of navel orange,speeding up the Gannan navel orange export is an important breakthrough for the navel orange industry development. However,compared with the four provinces such as Guangdong,Fujian,Yunnan and Guangxi,the advantage of Jiangxi Gannan navel orange export is not very prominent. Jiangxi should actively learn from the four provinces’ export advantages and measures, promote the export competitiveness of Gannan navel orange,and broaden the space for Gannan navel orange industrial development.
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