彭 刚,张晓辉,陈梓欣,黄略略,张树飞,乔 方.过氧化氢处理对荔枝干多糖色泽和活性的影响[J].广东农业科学,2016,43(12):76-79
查看全文    HTML 过氧化氢处理对荔枝干多糖色泽和活性的影响
Effect of hydrogen peroxide treatment on color andactivity of dried-litchi fruit polysaccharide
中文关键词: 荔枝干多糖  过氧化氢  抗氧化活性  除色  多糖含量
英文关键词: dried-litchi fruit polysaccharide  hydrogen peroxide  antioxidant activity  decolorization  polysaccharide content
基金项目:深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20140508155916427);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金 (CARS-33-20)
彭 刚,张晓辉,陈梓欣,黄略略,张树飞,乔 方 (深圳职业技术学院应用化学与生物技术学院广东 深圳 518055) 
摘要点击次数: 1563
全文下载次数: 810
      通常所提荔枝干粗多糖溶液中混有大量色素,在纯化过程中需要过氧化氢清除溶液中的色素。 研究比较了不同过氧化氢浓度处理后荔枝干多糖溶液的色泽、多糖含量及活性的变化,从而筛选出适宜于 荔枝干多糖除色的过氧化氢最佳浓度。结果表明,当过氧化氢终浓度为3% 时,荔枝干多糖溶液色泽呈现乳 白色且多糖损失率控制在20% 以内,而处理后多糖对DPPH 和ATBS 自由基清除能力降低不明显。综合比 较后该浓度的处理效果明显优于其他过氧化氢浓度。
      The crude polysaccharide of dried-litchi fruit often has a large amount of pigments,which can be cleaned up by hydrogen peroxide in the further step. In order to study the effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration on dried-litchi fruit polysaccharide,this paper evaluated the changes of solution color,content and activity of polysaccharide after hydrogen peroxide treatment,and selected the best concentration. The results showed that when the hydrogen peroxide concentration was 3%,the polysaccharide solution color would turn white,and polysaccharide loss was limited in 20%,and the free radical scavenging activity of DPPH and ATBS had not obvious reduction. 3% was better than other concentrations.
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