费永红1,钟 维1,向 英1,韦德斌1,黄 宇2.糯玉米新品种DTOPSIS 法综合评价[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(3):17-22
查看全文    HTML 糯玉米新品种DTOPSIS 法综合评价
Comprehensive evaluation of new waxy maizevarieties by DTOPSIS method
中文关键词: DTOPSIS 法  糯玉米  矩阵  无量纲化处理  Ci 值
英文关键词: DTOPSIS method  waxy maize  matrix  dimensionless processing  The Ci value
费永红1,钟 维1,向 英1,韦德斌1,黄 宇2 1. 广西农科院百色分院/ 百色市农业科学研究所广西 百色 533612 2. 南宁市桂福园农业有限公司广西 南宁 530007 
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      采用动态逼近理想解排序法(DTOPSIS 法)对9 个供试糯玉米品种的17 个性状进行综合评 价。建立评价矩阵A,根据育种目标进行无量纲化处理得矩阵Z,将各个性状指标分别赋予不同权重Wj 后, 建立决策矩阵R,通过决策矩阵R 得出各性状的正理想解(X+j)和负理想解(X-j),最终得到各品种对理 想解的相对接近度Ci,据此对各品种的优劣进行评判,Ci 值越大综合性状越好。分析结果表明:8 个糯玉米 新品种的Ci 值均大于桂糯519(CK),综合表现优于桂糯519(CK)。根据Ci 值排序,亚航糯3 号、天贵糯 932、银碟糯773、天贵糯937 分别居前4 位,说明这4 个品种在春季种植表现出较好的丰产性和较优良的 综合品质,是具有较大应用价值的优质品种。
      This study tested 17characters of 9 waxy maize varieties by DTOPSIS method,set up valuation matrix A,according to the breeding goals,obtained the matrix Z by dimensionless processing;set up decision matrix R, when different characters indexes were given different weights Wj,obtained the the positive ideal solution(X+j)and the negative ideal solution(X-j)of different characters,finally obtained the relative approach degree Ci,then judged the advantages and disadvantages of each variety,the higher the Ci value,the better the comprehensive characters. The results showed that the Ci values of 8 new waxy maizes were larger than Guinuo519(CK) and the comprehensive traits were better than Guinuo519(CK). According to the order of Ci value,the top four waxy maizes were Yahang No.3,Tianguinuo932,Yindietiannuo773 and Tianguinuo937,indicating that the four varieties planted in spring showed higher yield and better quality,had good quality and great application value.
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