胡茂林1,2,3,4,罗来鑫2,李志强4,陈竹锋3,温 凯4,唐晓艳3,李华平1,李健强2.种子或带菌土壤传播稻曲病菌的可能性研究[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(11):104-110
查看全文    HTML 种子或带菌土壤传播稻曲病菌的可能性研究
Research of seed or soil carried Ustilaginoidea virens as the probable infection sources
中文关键词: 水稻  稻曲病菌  种子  土壤  初侵染源
英文关键词: rice  Ustilaginoidea virens  seed  soil  primary infection sources
胡茂林1,2,3,4,罗来鑫2,李志强4,陈竹锋3,温 凯4,唐晓艳3,李华平1,李健强2 1. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 5106422. 中国农业大学植物保护学院北京 100193 3. 深圳市作物分子设计育种研究院广东 深圳 518107 4. 深圳市农业科技促进中心广东 深圳 518055 
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      探究稻曲病菌的侵染途径是预防控制稻曲病害的关键因素之一。通过人工接种处理土壤、水稻 种子试验,基于稻曲病菌EGFP 标记、超微结构观察以及激光共聚焦显微观察和PCR 分子检测法,研究水 稻种子带菌或带菌土壤是否传播稻曲病。结果表明,人工接种种子和土壤拌菌接种各处理在水稻不同生长 期均未观察到有病菌侵入现象,各处理水稻成熟期穗部均未出现典型稻曲球症状。 试验结果暂未能证明种 子或土壤带菌可作为稻曲病菌的初侵染来源,有待综合考虑引起稻曲病发生的影响因素,以便获得该病菌 初侵染来源更为直接的证据。
      The relations between inoculum of Ustilaginoidea virens and the formation of disease were not well described for this plant disease. The disease cycle,which begins with the infection of plant tissues and culminates in new false smut balls also have not been fully characterized. The study mainly demonstrated the suppose both seed and soil carried with pathogen could be the major primary infection sources of false smut in fields. The relationship between different inoculations,included inoculum level,and diseases occurance was elucidated. Results from CLSM observation,visual assessments and detection by polymerase chain reaction indicated that rice seed-or soil-carried U. virens was not be the primary infection sources of rice false smut under the inoculation condition described in the study. Factors affecting U. virens infection should be further studied to obtain direct evidence of the primary infection sources of the pathogen.
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