PDF    HTML 广西贵港城市公园绿地园林植物资源调查研究
Investigation on the Landscape Plant Resources of Urban Public Parks in the City of Guigang in Guangxi Province
投稿时间:2019-09-27  修订日期:2019-10-17
中文关键词: 公园  绿地  植物  调查  贵港市
英文关键词: park  green space  landscape plant  investigation  Guigang
李宇轩 广西大学林学院 530004
和太平* 广西大学林学院 530004
摘要点击次数: 502
全文下载次数: 0
      摘 要:【目的】调查贵港市城市公园绿地园林植物物种资源及绿地现状,旨在为该市园林绿地建设中植物景观的营建提供科学依据和实践参考。【方法】通过对贵港市现有5处城市公园绿地园林植物物种资源开展实地调查,并查阅相关文献资料,编制《贵港市城市公园绿地园林植物名录》,对其园林植物物种资源进行统计与分析。【结果】贵港市城市公园绿地共有园林植物334种,隶属于103科249属;以豆科、桑科、棕榈科、百合科、大戟科、天南星科和桃金娘科等8科为优势科;生活型占比(乔:灌:藤:草)为45.81:22.46:3.89:27.84,木本植物与草本植物比例约为7:3,常绿树种和落叶树种比例约为7:3;以观花和观叶植物为多,分别占39.22%和29.94%;乡土植物243种,占72.75%,本地木本植物指数为0.75。【结论】贵港市城市公园绿地园林植物物种较丰富;以常绿树种为主,呈南亚热带植物景观,四季常青;乡土植物物种占优,地域特色鲜明;植物配置科学合理,富有文化主题寓意。针对公园绿地植物应用之不足提出初步建议:因地制宜应用藤本植物,打造立体绿化景观;丰富本地木本植物种类,科学防控外来入侵植物;加大市树市花应用力度,彰显城市魅力。
      Absrtact: 【Objective】In order to provide scientific basis and practical reference for the construction of plant landscape in the construction of green space in Guigang,the species resources of landscape plant and the current situation of green space in those parks are investigated.【Methods】Through a field investigation of the species resources of the landscape plant in five urban public parks in Guigang,combing the consultation of relevant literature,a list named《Lists of landscape plant in urban public parks in Guigang city》is compiled to conduct the statistics and analysis on the species resources of landscape plant in those parks.【Result】There are 334 species of landscape plant in Guigang’s urban public parks,belonging to 103 families and 249 genera.Eight families,including Leguminosae, Moriaceae, Palmaceae, Liliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Araceae and Myrtaceae and other families,are the dominant families of landscape plant.The ratio of life form(arbor:bush:vine:herb) is 45.81:22.46:3.89:27.84,the ratio of woody plant and herbaceous plant is about 7:3,and the ratio of evergreen and deciduous trees is about 7:3.Flowering and foliage plant are the most,accounting for 39.22% and 29.94% respectively.Two hundred and forty five species of native plant account for 72.75%,and native woody plant index is 0.75.【Conclusion】In urban public parks in Guigang,the landscape plant species is rich.It is mainly evergreen species that shows a south?subtropical plant landscape and remains green throughout the year.In urban public parks in Guigang,native plants are dominated and regional features are distinct,and plant configuration is scientific and reasonable with rich meaning of cultural themes.In view of the deficiency of the application of landscape plant in public parks,some preliminary suggestions can be given as follow.Applying lianas according to local conditions,creating a three-dimensional green landscape.Enriching native woody plant species,controlling the invasion of exotic?plants scientifically.Strengthen the application of city tree and city flower so as to present the fascination of the city.
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