查看全文    HTML 通用型太阳能供电式寒地水稻育秧棚采控器设计
Design of a universal acquisition controller using power supplied by solar energy for rice seedling greenhouse in cold area of northeastern China
中文关键词: 育秧  采控器  太阳能  通用型  无线通信
英文关键词: seedling  acquisition controller  solar energy  universal  wireless communication
田芳明,衣淑娟,谭峰,王晓亮,韩东来,石剑飞 黑龙江八一农垦大学信息技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1180
全文下载次数: 441
      针对现有水稻育秧棚监控现状的不足,设计了一套通用型太阳能供电式寒地水稻育秧棚采控器。该系统可实现寒地水稻育秧过程育秧棚内环境参数的自动检测、显示、存储,并根据采集的数据、不同育秧阶段秧苗的生理需求进行自动通风和灌溉,采控器硬件采用低功耗器件构成,降低了设备运行耗电量,太阳能备用供电方式保障了电能质量与供电可靠性,使系统安全稳定运行,设备采用4~20 mA、0~2 V、数字信号等通用传感器接口,增强了设备的通用性。系统可有效保障寒地水稻育秧期的不同生产需求,对培养壮秧、提高水稻产量与品质具有重要意义。该采控器具有体积小、运算速度快、精度高、存储容量大,运行可靠、精确控制、耐低温高湿等特点。
      According to the current rice seedlings tent monitoring of the present situation of the shortage, we designed a set of universal solar power supply type cold rice seedlings tent sending mining. The system can realize the process of cold rice seedlings seedlings relative environmental parameters of the automatic detection, display, storage, and according to the collection of data, different stage of seedlings seedlings physiological needed to be automatic ventilation and irrigation, sending by hardware with low power consumption device structure, reducing the power consumption equipment operation, solar standby power supply mode also guaranteed the power quality and power supply reliability. The safe and stable operation of equipment were 4~20 mA, 0 ~2 v, digital signal and general sensor interface, strengthen the equipment in general. The system can effectively guarantee period of cold rice seedlings in different production requirements, to cultivate strong seedling, improve the yield of rice and the quality has the important meaning. The mining control appliance has small volume, operation speed, high precision, large storage capacity, reliable operation, precise control, low temperature resistant high humidity etc.
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