马艳平1,李嘉彬1,2,郝乐1,刘振兴1,马江耀1,梁志凌1,叶清生3,柯浩1.广州市罗非鱼源无乳链球菌 分离鉴定与致病性研究[J].广东农业科学,2014,41(6):132-135
查看全文    HTML 广州市罗非鱼源无乳链球菌 分离鉴定与致病性研究
Isolation, identification and pathogenicity of TilapiaStreptococcus agalactiae from Guangzhou
中文关键词: 罗非鱼无乳链球菌  分离鉴定  人工感染  药敏试验  分子分型
英文关键词: Tilapia Streptococcus agalactiae  isolation and identification  artificial infection  drug sensitivity test  molecular subtyping
基金项目:广东省农科院兽医研究所所长基金(2011SZJJ005); 广州市农业科技攻关项目(GZCQC1202FG04002-01);广东省海 洋渔业科技推广专项(A201201C01);广州市科技计划项目 (201300000064)
马艳平1,李嘉彬1,2,郝乐1,刘振兴1,马江耀1,梁志凌1,叶清生3,柯浩1 1.广东省农科:动物卫生研究所/广东省兽医公共卫生公共实验室广东广州5106402.华南农业大学兽医学:广东广州5106423.广州市农业技术推广中心广东广州510520 
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      从广州增城中新镇发病罗非鱼体内分离到4 株致病菌株,经细菌形态学观察、生化试验鉴定、特异基因cfb 扩增及序列分析,初步鉴定为罗非鱼无乳链球菌。4 株无乳链球菌均对头孢哌酮、庆大霉素、先锋霉素吁、先锋霉素遇、阿奇霉素、克林霉素、头孢孟多等敏感。选用其中的ZX1 分离株分别对罗非鱼、小鼠、乳鼠进行人工感染,结果显示,用活菌数为109个/mL 的菌液腹腔注射罗非鱼,可使受感染鱼100%死亡;用活菌数为108个/mL 的菌液腹腔注射小鼠和皮下注射乳鼠,在72 h内的死亡率为分别为66.7%和100%;表明分离株ZX1 对罗非鱼和小鼠具有较强的致病性。经多重PCR 检测分离株分子血清分型,结果显示分离株均为玉a 型。
      Four pathogenic strains were isolated from sick tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Zhongxin town, Guangzhou city, and were identified as Streptococcus agalactiae by bacterial morphological observation, biochemical test, amplification and sequence analysis of specific gene cfb. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that isolated strains were sensitive to Cefoperazone, Gentamycin, Cephaloridnum吁, Cephaloridnum, Azitromvcin, Clindamycin, and Cefamandole. One of the isolated strains ZX1 was used to infect tilapia, mouse and sucking mouse respectively. The results showed that ZX1 strain caused 100% mortality of healthy tilapia by intraperioneal injection at the concentration of 109 cells/mL, 66.7% mortality of mouse by intraperioneal injection (108 cells/mL) and 100% mortality of sucking mouse by subcutaneous injection (108 cells/mL) in 72 hours. These artificial infection experiments showed that the isolated strain ZX1 had strong virulence to tilapia and mouse. The molecular serotypes of isolated strains resulting from multiple PCR were type a.
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