刁俊明,曾宪录,朱远平,钟福生.脐橙果实大小对果实感官品质和 可溶性固形物含量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2015,42(23):82-85
查看全文    HTML 脐橙果实大小对果实感官品质和 可溶性固形物含量的影响
Effects of fruit size on sensory quality and solublesolid content of Citrus sinensis
中文关键词: 脐橙  果实大小  贮藏品质  可溶性固形物
英文关键词: Citrus sinensis Osbeck  fruit size  storage quality  soluble solid
刁俊明,曾宪录,朱远平,钟福生 嘉应学院生命科学学院广东 梅州 514015 
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      以梅州平远脐橙为试验材料,按果实直径分为大果(> 9.8 cm)、中果(7.7~9.8 cm)和小果 (< 7.7 cm)3 个级别,研究脐橙果实大小对其贮藏品质的影响。结果表明,实验室常温贮藏90 d 后,大果和 小果脐橙的腐烂率显著高于中果;随着贮藏时间的延长,果实硬度、果实外观和口感风味等品质指标均呈下降 趋势,且表现为中果和小果的品质较好;中果和小果的可溶性固形物含量始终高于大果,其中,中果的可溶性 固形物含量贮藏60 d 后仍可达12.00% 以上。表明脐橙中果和小果具有较好的贮藏品质,且采后60 d 是脐橙 贮藏品质的一个临界点。
      Citrus sinensis fruits from Pingyuan county,Meizhou city were divided into 3 size types according to their diameters,namely the large size fruits(d﹥9.8 cm),medium size fruits(d:7.7-9.8 cm)and small size fruits (﹤7.7 cm),and the effects of fruit size on storage quality were investigated. Results indicated that with the extension of storage time,the decaying rate of large and small sizes of C. sinensis fruits were significantly higher than that of the medium size fruits;whereas the medium and small size fruits had better scores in hardness,appearance and taste after a period of storage;the soluble solid contents of the medium and small size fruits were higher than that of large fruits, especially for medium size fruits,the value exceeded 12.00%. Tests showed that the middle and small fruit had better storage quality,and 60 days was a critical day for navel orange.
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