查看全文    HTML 氮肥基肥追肥比例对烤烟产质量的影响
Effect of different basal and topdressing proportions of Nitrogen fertilizer on yields and quality of Flue-curedtobacco
中文关键词: 烤烟  氮肥  基肥追肥比例  产量  烟叶化学品质
英文关键词: tobacco  Nitrogen  base fertilizer  dress fertilizer  yield  chemical composition
基金项目:广西壮族自治区烟草专卖局(公司)项目( 桂烟科[2013]4 号)
梁琼月1,2,罗宝雄1,3,沈方科1,2,何虹华3,谢金秋1 1. 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 5300042. 植物科学国家级实验教学示范中心(广西大学) 广西 南宁 5300043. 广西壮族自治区烟草公司河池市公司广西 河池 547000 
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      为了探讨烟田烤烟最佳氮肥基肥和追肥比例,从而提高烟叶产质量,以云烟87 为材料,研究 氮肥不同基肥和追肥比例对烟株生长发育及烤后烟叶品质的影响。结果表明,氮肥不同基肥追肥比例对烤 烟农艺性状影响不显著,但对烤后烟叶产质量影响差异显著,以氮肥基肥追肥比例为5∶5 时烤后烟叶产质 量最佳,增产20.77%,提质5.22%;各处理烤后烟叶理化成分及其协调性相对于对照均在优质或接近于优 质烟叶的范围,以氮肥基肥追肥比例为5:5 处理最佳。综合分析表明,烟田栽培烤烟(云烟87)适宜的氮 肥基肥追肥比例(5∶5)利于烤烟产质量的提高。
      In order to explore the basal-topdressing ratio of tobacco field and improve the tobacco quality. Fluecured tobacco yunyan87 was taken as an experimental material to study the effect of different basal-topdressing ratio on tobacco agronomic trait,yield,quality,and nutrition properties. The result revealed that there were no significant differences between different nitrogen basal-topdressing ratios on tobacco agronomic trait,while the significant difference was observed on yield in treatment of 5∶5 basal and topdressing. The yield and quality was improved by 20.77% and 5.22%,respectively. The physical and chemical properties and coordination of tobacco in the range of middle to high quality as compared with the control. It could be concluded that the 5IE5 basaltopdressing ratio of nitrogen was positive on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco( yunyan 87).
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