王妍斐,梁桂超,吕 航,王 众,郑业鲁.福利水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(5):91-97
查看全文    HTML 福利水平对母猪繁殖性能的影响
Effects of welfare on the reproductive performance of sows
中文关键词: 福利  母猪  繁殖性能  环境  营养  管理
英文关键词: welfare  sow  reproductive performance  environment  nutrition  management
王妍斐,梁桂超,吕 航,王 众,郑业鲁 广东广垦畜牧工程研究院广东 广州 510507 
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      提供动物福利是人与动物和谐共处的基本保障,也是推动国内畜禽养殖业快速转型升级的一 个关键因素。目前我国尚未对畜禽养殖业出台动物福利的相关法律法规,生猪养殖方面的福利性要素投入 也相对缺乏。母猪繁殖性能作为衡量猪场生产和发展空间的重要性能,关系到猪场的养殖效益。以母猪福 利性要素投入或优化作为切入视角,在梳理国内外动物福利发展进程的基础上,重点综述我国影响母猪繁 殖性能水平的福利因素及存在问题,着重从居住环境、营养和人员操作管理方面给出相应的改进措施,并 提出针对性建议。
      Providing animal welfare is the basic guarantee for the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals,which is also a key factor in promoting the transformation and upgrade of domestic animal husbandry. At present,China has not yet established regulations related to welfare of animal husbandry,and there is a relative lack of input on welfare factors in pig breeding. At the same time,sow reproductive performance as a measure of production ability,their performance is directly related to the benefit of the farm. Therefore,based on the sow welfare optimization as a perspective,this paper firstly combed the development process of animal welfare. Then it focuses on the welfare factors and existing problems affecting sow reproductive performance,and gave corresponding improvement measures from three aspects including living environment,nutrition and personnel operation management. Finally this paper provided welfare advice for improving sow reproductive performance.
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