查看全文    HTML 农业保险适应农业转型升级的发展路径研究——以广东省为例
Study on the path of agricultural insurance adapting agriculture upgrading —taking Guangdong Province as example
中文关键词: 农业转型升级  风险变化  风险管理  农业保险  保险公司经营
英文关键词: agriculture upgrading  risk aversion  risk management  agricultural insurance  insurance company management
基金项目:广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划项目(GD17CYJ04);教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金 (15YJA790042);广东省农业厅委托项目“广东省农业保险监管模式创新研究”
朱宇婷,刘红梅 佛山科学技术学院经济管理与法学院广东 佛山 528000 
摘要点击次数: 1502
全文下载次数: 561
      运用归纳法,根据风险管理理论,从风险因素- 风险事故- 损失这3 个风险要素入手,全面分 析农业转型升级后风险的变化。结果发现:转型升级后农业领域风险因素更多、风险更集中、风险承担主 体的风险转移意识和能力更高、风险的连锁反应更强、损失的不只是物化成本,而广东省农业保险虽然发 展迅速,但是无法实现与农业同步发展,表现在险种偏少、保额偏低、承保和理赔方式过于简单等方面。建 议农业保险的发展应紧跟农业的发展步伐,配合农业转型升级的态势,在承保对象上关注新型农业经营主 体,经营技术上关注农业经营主体之间的纽带关系,承保范围上关注技术风险、市场风险等,产品上关注产 量保险、收入保险等,综合经营上关注风险管理服务以及与其他领域的结合,才能更大程度为农业保驾护 航。
      Applying inductive reasoning,the paper analyzes the change after agriculture upgrading extensively, according to risk management theory,starting from three elements of risk:“risk factor”-“risk accident”-“lose”. The results show that agriculture after upgrading would face more risk factors,that more risks are concentrated on some subjects,that risk-bearing subjects are more conscious and capable to transfer risk,that the chain reaction to agriculture risks is more severe,and that the loss isn’t limited to materialized costs. Agricultural insurance in Guangdong Province has been developing rapidly. However,some problems that agricultural insurance can’ t keep up with agriculture upgrading still exist,such as small variety of coverage,low insurance amount and simple underwriting and claiming mode. Agricultural insurance should follow the development of agriculture,that is, matching agriculture upgrading,so as to guard agriculture. In detail,new agricultural management subjects should be insured;the relationship among the subjects should be paid attention to;technology risk,market risk and others should be covered;quantity insurance,income insurance and others should be available;risk management service should be provided and insurance should be combined with other means.
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