秦 静1,贾凤伶1,闫庆琦2,陈 琼3.天津与京沪农民收入比较及增收对策[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(6):157-164
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Peasants’ income comparison and for income increasing countermeasures of Tianjin,Beijing and Shanghai
中文关键词: 津京沪  乡村振兴  农民收入  差距比较  对策建议
英文关键词: Tianjin Beijing and Shanghai  rural revitalization  peasant income  gap comparison  suggestions
基金项目:天津市社科界千名学者服务基层活动调研课题(184130001);天津市第三次全国农业普查项目 (TJ2016NP017)
秦 静1,贾凤伶1,闫庆琦2,陈 琼3 1. 天津市农村经济与区划研究所天津 300192 2. 科右前旗农业科学研究所内蒙古 科右前旗 137400 3. 西南大学农学与生物科技学院重庆 400715 
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全文下载次数: 544
      增加农民收入是我国“三农”工作的中心任务,事关农村社会和谐稳定和国家长治久安的大 局,对于我国全面建成小康社会具有重要的现实意义。基于统计数据,将农村居民人均可支配收入研究置 于国民经济发展的现状下,对2011—2017 年津京沪DGP、城乡居民人均可支配收入指标进行对比,分析天 津农民增收面临的严峻形势,与京沪农民收入水平及结构差距。结果显示:短期内,增加天津农民收入的关 键是增加农民的工资性收入;长远看,增加天津农民收入要突出增加农民的财产性收入;同时,特别注重增 加农民的转移性收入。最后,基于农民增收的宏观背景、工资性收入、经营性收入、财产性收入和转移性收 入等方面的研究与分析,提出了促进天津农民增收的对策建议,对于天津实施乡村振兴战略具有重要支撑 作用。
      Increasing peasants' income is the central task of the "three agriculture" of our country. It is related to the building of a harmonious rural society and long security which is of great practical significance for China’s building a well-off society in an all-round way. Based on the statistical data,we made comparative analysis of GDP, peasants’ income,the income disparity between urban and rural residents among Tianjin,Beijing and Shanghai city from 2011 to 2017 under the general background of the national economy development. It was concluded that in the short term,the key to increasing peasants' income in Tianjin was to increase wage income. In the long run,increasing peasants' income in Tianjin should increase the property income significantly. At the same time,it should be pay more attention to increasing the transfer income. Finally,based on the research and analysis of the macro background,and wage income,operating income,property income and transfer income,the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of salary income,household income,property income and transferred income, which is important support for Tianjin's rural revitalization strategy.
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