袁 远1,曹 喆2,杜 飞1,何鹏飞1,何月秋2,吴毅歆2.十字花科根肿病菌在水中存活能力检测分析[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(10):87-91
查看全文    HTML 十字花科根肿病菌在水中存活能力检测分析
Detection of the viability of Plasmodiophora brassicae in water
中文关键词: 小麦  抗条锈性  反应型  病叶率  病情指数  抗锈性丧失  相关性分析
英文关键词: Brassicaceae Burnet  Clubroot  Plasmodiophora Brassicae  Resting spores  Fluorescent quantitative PCR
袁 远1,曹 喆2,杜 飞1,何鹏飞1,何月秋2,吴毅歆2 1.云南农业大学植物保护学院云南 昆明 650201
2.云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院云南 昆明 650201 
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      为了研究根肿菌休眠孢子的萌发及侵染环境温度之间的互作关系,利用荧光定量PCR法,对16~25℃区间各实验处理水体中根肿病休眠孢子浓度进行检测,分析不同温度条件对水体中根肿菌的影响,同时通过检测水体中的化学需氧量、溶氧量、电导率判断水体中根肿菌的存活能力。结果表明,16~25℃区间内随着温度的提高根肿菌孢子下降速率变缓,在25℃时最为缓慢,在30 d达1.88×106 CFU/mL,并在60 d后相对稳定。水体中化学需氧量、溶氧量、电导率的检测结果表明,在28 d水中根肿菌的活动十分剧烈,35 d时化学需氧量、溶氧量、电导率值分别高达86.2、5.95 mg/L、103 μS/cm,且与其他温度存在显著差异。说明根肿菌的存活能力在25℃相对于其他温度更强。
      To research the viable time and the influencing factors of Plasmodiophora Brassicae resting spores in different temperatures of water environment. Detection of dormant spores of Plasmodiophora Brassicae by fluorescence quantitative PCR in water at 16-25℃. The effects of different water temperature COD DO and Conductivity on the resting spores of P.Brassicae were analyzed. The experimental results show that at 25℃ P.Brassicae most slowly, which among 16℃, 19℃, 22℃ and 25℃. At 35day the COD, DO and conductivity were 86.2 mg/L, 5.95 mg/L and 103 S/cm respectively on the 35th day, and there were significant differences with other temperatures. In conclusion, the survival ability of P.Brassicae was stronger than that of other temperatures at 25℃.
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