查看全文    HTML 蔬菜气象指数保险的实践及应用——以广州市为例
Practice and Application of Vegetable Meteorological Index Insurance— A Case Study of Guangzhou
中文关键词: 蔬菜  气象指数  农业保险  降水  风力
英文关键词: vegetable  meteorological index  agricultural insurance  precipitation  wind
欧善国,彭晓丹 广州市气候与农业气象中心广东 广州 511430 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 478
      广州蔬菜在种植面积和产量上均居农作物之首,蔬菜种植已经成为广州市都市型现代农业最重要的产业之一。但广州的蔬菜种植以露天生产为主,极易遭受各种气象灾害影响,从而造成巨大损失。作为分散和转移农业气象灾害的有效手段,农业保险是保障农业可持续发展的一项重要举措。因此,研发面向蔬菜种植的保险产品具有很强的现实意义。以降水和大风作为气象指数,设定日降水量≥ 100 mm 或日最大风速≥ 7 级作为理赔标准,并根据广州各区历史气象数据的差异性,厘定各区不同的保险费率,降低基差风险,构建农户容易理解接受的蔬菜气象指数保险产品,在广州试点推广取得较好效果,丰富了广东农业保险品种,有效解决了广东农业商业保险、政策性保险的突出问题,对提高蔬菜种植业抗风险能力、促进蔬菜种植业可持续发展具有积极作用。建议政府部门加大气象监测密度,积极研发气象指数保险产品,加强保险产品研发合作,加强农村防灾减灾能力建设,加大气象指数保险的宣传力度,并及时总结试点工作经验,建立完善以政策性农业保险为基础的农业保险保障体系,构筑多层次的农业保险风险分散机制,助力构建具有岭南特色的现代产业体系,推进现代农业发展,促进乡村产业振兴。
      The planting areas and the yields of vegetables rank first among various crops in Guangzhou. Vegetable cultivation has become one of the most important industries of urban modern agriculture in Guangzhou. However, the vegetable cultivation in Guangzhou is dominated by open-air production, which is prone to suffer from various meteorological disasters and cause huge losses. As an effective means to disperse and transfer agrometeorological disasters, agricultural insurance is an important measure to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture. Therefore, it is of strong practical significance to develop insurance products for vegetable cultivation. With precipitation and strong wind as meteorological indexes, the daily precipitation ≥ 100 mm, or daily maximum wind speed ≥ grade 7 are set as claim standard, and different insurance rates in various districts are determined to reduce the basis risk according to the difference of historical meteorological data in each district. The vegetable meteorological index insurance products that can be easily understood and accepted by farmers are constructed, the pilot extension of which has achieved good results in Guangzhou. The agricultural insurance varieties in Guangdong have been enriched, which effectively solve the outstanding problems of agricultural commercial insurance and policy insurance in Guangdong, and play a positive role in improving the ability of vegetable planting to resist risks and promoting the sustainable development of vegetable planting industry. It is suggested that government departments should increase the density of meteorological monitoring, develop meteorological index insurance products actively, strengthen cooperation in research and development of insurance products, strengthen the capacity building for disaster prevention and reduction in rural areas, increase the publicity of meteorological index insurance, summarize the experience of pilot work promptly, establish and improve the agricultural insurance security system based on policy-oriented agricultural insurance, construct multi-level risk dispersion mechanism of agricultural insurance, help to build a modern industrial system with Lingnan features and promote the development of modern agriculture and the revitalization of rural industries.
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