PDF    HTML 外源脱落酸缓解低温下烟草幼苗生长胁迫及其生理特性解析
Analysis of exogenous abscisic acid alleviating growth stress and its physiological characteristics in tobacco seedlings under low temperature
投稿时间:2024-12-23  修订日期:2025-02-18
中文关键词: 低温胁迫  烟草幼苗  脱落酸  生理特性  耐低温鉴定  
英文关键词: low temperature stress  Tobacco seedlings  Abscisic acid  Physiological characteristics  low temperature tolerance identification
陆晨萱 1.西南大学农学与生物科技学院/南方山地农业教育部工程研究中心 400715
宗学凤* 1.西南大学农学与生物科技学院/南方山地农业教育部工程研究中心 400715
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      【目的】探究外源脱落酸(ABA)对低温胁迫下烟草抗逆性的影响,为其在烟草抗寒生理基础研究和应用上提供理论参考。【方法】以六叶一心的烟草幼苗为试验材料,以喷施清水室温处理的烟苗为正向对照(CK),喷施清水8(±1)℃低温胁迫处理的烟苗为负向对照(CK-0),采用盆栽试验研究不同浓度(10、20、30、50 μmol/L)ABA对低温胁迫下烟草幼苗中光合色素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、可溶性糖含量、MDA含量、脯氨酸含量、POD及SOD活性的影响,同时利用主成分分析法和隶属函数法分析外源脱落酸处理下烟草幼苗生理指标并进行综合评价。【结果】施加不同浓度的外源ABA对烟草短期冷胁迫具有剂量效应,随着外源ABA浓度的增加,其缓解烟草幼苗冷胁迫的作用由促进向抑制转变。结合生理生化指标及隶属函数进行分析可知,外源施加20 μmol/L ABA处理能最大程度解除烟草幼苗冷胁迫条件下的生长抑制作用,特别是经过72 h冷胁迫条件下烟草幼苗叶片内光合色素、叶绿素a、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量以及过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性分别比对照(CK-0)提高了33.54%、36%、12.62%、33.34%、40.87%和9.92%。丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸含量分别比CK-0组降低18.16%和14.31%。该处理用量较少,可节约寒害预防成本。【结论】在生产中可喷施20 μmol/L ABA来提升烟草对低温胁迫的耐受性,有效预防寒害。
      【Objective】To explore the effect of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on tobacco young seedlings under low temperature stress, and to provide a theoretical basis for the fundamental research and practical application of ABA in tobacco cold resistance physiology. 【Method】 Tobacco seedlings with six leaves were used as the experimental material. Tobacco seedlings treated with water at room temperature served as the positive control (CK), while tobacco seedlings treated with water at 8 (±1) ℃ under low temperature stress served as the negative control (CK-0). A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different concentrations of ABA (10, 20, 30, 50 μmol/L) on various physiological indices of tobacco seedlings under low temperature stress, including photosynthetic pigment content, soluble protein content, soluble sugar content, MDA content, proline content, as well as POD and SOD activities. The physiological indices of tobacco seedlings treated with exogenous ABA were analyzed using principal component analysis and the membership function method. 【Result】The application of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) at different concentrations exhibits a dose effect on tobacco seedlings subjected to short-term cold stress. As the concentration of exogenous ABA increases, its effect on alleviating cold stress in tobacco seedlings shifts from promotion to inhibition. Based on the analysis of physiological and biochemical indicators combined with membership functions, exogenous application of 20 μmol/L ABA can maximize the alleviation of growth inhibition in tobacco seedlings under cold stress conditions. Specifically, after 72 hours of cold stress, the contents of photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll a, soluble protein, soluble sugar, and the activities of peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the leaves of tobacco seedlings treated with 20 μmol/L ABA were 33.54%, 36%, 12.62%, 33.34%, 40.87%, and 9.92% higher, respectively, compared to the control group (CK-0). Meanwhile, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline were 18.16% and 14.31% lower, respectively, compared to the CK-0 group. The treatment amount is less and the cost of prevention of cold injury can be saved. 【Conclusion】 In production, 20μmol/L ABA can be applied in agriculture cultivation practically aiming to enhancing the response to low temperature stress and effectively prevent cold injuring tobacco young seedlings.
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