

(天然农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室/华南农业大学农学院,广东 广州 510642)

摘 要:【目的】研究氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta Buren)的毒杀活性及行走能力、爬杆能力、抓附能力等行为的影响。【方法】以水试管喂毒法对红火蚁进行防冶试验。【结果】8 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺处理60 h后,小型红火蚁校正死亡率为96.55%,16 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺处理60 h后,中型红火蚁校正死亡率为100.00%。8 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺处理小型红火蚁36 h后,行走率、爬杆率、抓附率分别为15.00%、15.00%、11.67%,16 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺处理中型红火蚁36 h后,行走率、爬杆率、抓附率分别为15.00%、13.33%、11.67%。【结论】氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁具有良好毒杀活性和行为影响,在红火蚁防控上具有良好应用前景。


【研究意义】红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta Buren)属膜翅目蚁科切叶蚁亚科火蚁属,是一种国际重大危险性害虫[1]。2004年,红火蚁入侵我国华南地区,影响到本地生物的多样性,并给农林业安全、生态安全带来极大危害,具有严重的危险性[2]。广东地区是红火蚁在中国大陆入侵的首发地区,同时也是红火蚁入侵历史较为长久、危害最严重、分布区域广泛的地区[3]。它危害到人类健康,破坏生态平衡,损坏公共设施,影响社会公共安全,严重时可危及人类的生命安全,在农业生产和国民经济方面均造成严重损失。红火蚁的体积不特别大,巢内红火蚁绝大多数个体都是无生殖能力的工蚁,成熟蚁巢中工蚁的数量往往可达20万~30万头,数量庞大,且工蚁个体大小分布有较高的多态性[4-5]。每年的5~10月是红火蚁发生的高峰期,红火蚁主要发生在田地、荒地、路边、绿化带、果园等地方[6]。因此,研究红火蚁新型有效的化学防控方法对生态环境、人类安全等问题具有重大意义。



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

供试药剂95%氯虫苯甲酰胺原药,湖北康宝泰精细化工有限公司生产。红火蚁于2018年7月采集于华南农业大学校园内[14]。将采集带土的红火蚁蚁巢装在塑料桶中,桶壁已涂上滑石粉,以防止桶中红火蚁出走。随后采用滴水缓浸的方法,将红火蚁诱导出土面,并转移至涂有滑石粉的塑料盒,置于黑暗环境,以火腿肠水试管饲养,7 d后可供试验使用。养虫室温度23~27 ℃,湿度65%~85%。

1.2 试验方法

1.2.1 氯虫苯甲酰胺配制方法 用少量丙酮溶解氯虫苯甲酰胺原药,然后用乳化剂吐温80+丙酮水溶液将其稀释成500 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺溶液,其中吐温80和丙酮的含量为0.1%。再用0.01%吐温80+0.01%丙酮水溶液稀释,配制0.5、1、2、4、8、16 mg/L氯虫苯甲酰胺溶液。空白对照为0.01%吐温80+0.01%丙酮水溶液。

1.2.2 氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁毒杀活性的测定 试验采用水试管喂毒法[15]进行氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁毒杀活性的测定。分别将氯虫苯甲酰胺溶液或空白对照加入容量为2 mL的小试管内,在试管口塞一团棉花,以保证试管中溶液不流出挥发。将装溶液的小试管分别放入,干燥的塑料杯(高9 cm,直径7 cm),并在杯口至以下5 cm抹上滑石粉。将可供试的正常活性的中小型红火蚁接入塑料杯中,每个杯子分别接入20头小型红火蚁或中型红火蚁,每个处理3次重复。处理后12、24、36、48、60 h观察结果,计算死亡率和校正死亡率。

1.2.3 氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁行走率、爬杆率、抓附率的测定 红火蚁处理方法同1.2.2。分别于药后12、24、36、48、60 h进行观察,每个时间段测定完毕后,将中小型红火蚁转接回原杯中。行走率、爬杆率、抓附率等仅在活虫数大于10头时进行测定,以保证测定结果的可靠性。

行走率测定[16]:用竹签将红火蚁工蚁挑至白纸上,3 s内移动3 cm则定为其有行走能力。计算红火蚁工蚁行走率。

爬杆率测定[17]:用细长竹签轻轻接触塑料杯中的红火蚁工蚁,使红火蚁工蚁在竹签上爬行,可爬行5 cm及以上则定为有爬杆能力。计算红火蚁工蚁爬杆率。

抓附率测定[18]:用竹签将红火蚁挑入杯中,轻微震动塑料杯使红火蚁工蚁在杯底处散开,翻转该塑料杯,使塑料杯口垂直向下,3 s后记录未掉落在白纸上的工蚁则被定为具有抓附能力。计算红火蚁工蚁抓附率。

试验数据采用Excel 2016进行标准误差分析,利用SPSS对测定的红火蚁中小型工蚁死亡率、行走率、爬杆率、抓附率数据进行方差分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 氯虫苯甲酰胺对红火蚁工蚁的毒杀活性

试验结果(表1、表2)表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺对红火蚁工蚁具有较好的毒杀活性,不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型、中型红火蚁工蚁校正死亡率有显著影响(F=14.491,P=0.002;F=12.169,P=0.004)。 高 浓 度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理比低浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理中小型红火蚁毒杀活性效果更加显著,氯虫苯甲酰胺能使中小型红火蚁存活数量显著下降。

表1 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型红火蚁工蚁的毒杀活性
Table 1 Toxic activities of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution against small-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)校正死亡率Corrected mortality(%)12h 24h 36h 48h 60h 0.5 0.00±0.00a 1.72±2.89a 8.62±1.67a 12.07±5.00a 13.79±4.41a 2 0.00±0.00a 12.07±2.89a 37.93±2.89b 46.55±4.41b 55.17±4.41b 8 7.00±1.67b 39.66±3.33b 70.69±4.41c 89.66±2.89c 96.55±1.67c

表2 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中型红火蚁工蚁的毒杀活性
Table 2 Toxic activities of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution against medium-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)1.67±1.67a 1.67±1.67a 5.00±5.00a 10.00±2.89a 11.67±3.33a 4 3.33±1.67a 18.33±4.41a 36.67±3.33b 51.67±7.26b 55.00±5.00b 16 1.67±1.67a 48.33±6.67b 65.00±5.77c 93.33±1.67c 100.00±0.00c校正死亡率Corrected mortality(%)12h 24h 36h 48h 60h 1

2.2 氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁行走能力的影响

试验结果(表3、表4)表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺能显著降低中小型红火蚁行走能力,且高浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理比低浓度处理行走能力下降更为显著。处理后36 h内,各浓度处理存活红火蚁数量均大于10头。不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型、中型红火蚁工蚁行走率有显著影响(F=5.811,P=0.033;F=5.508,P=0.037)。

表3 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型红火蚁工蚁行走能力的影响
Table 3 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on walking ability of small-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)100.00±0.00a 96.67±1.67a 96.67±1.67a 0.5 98.33±1.67ab 93.33±3.33b 81.67±1.67b 2 96.67±3.33ab 78.33±4.41b 45.00±5.00c 8 86.67±4.41b 35.00±7.64b 15.00±2.89d行走率Walking rate(%)12h 24h 36h 0

表4 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中型红火蚁工蚁行走能力的影响
Table 4 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on walking ability of medium-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 1 98.33±1.67b 95.00±5.00b 88.33±4.41b 4 95.00±0.00b 71.67±4.41c 41.67±4.41c 16 88.33±1.67b 31.67±6.01c 15.00±5.77c行走率Walking rate(%)12h 24h 36h 0

2.3 氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁爬杆能力的影响

试验结果(表5、表6)表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中小型红火蚁爬杆能力有显著影响,且随着氯虫苯甲酰胺处理浓度的增大,对中小型红火蚁爬杆率的抑制效果越明显。处理后36 h内,各浓度处理存活红火蚁数量均大于10头。不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型、中型红火蚁工蚁爬杆率有显著影响(F=6.265,P=0.028;F=6.167,P=0.029)。

表5 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型红火蚁工蚁爬杆能力的影响
Table 5 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on climbing ability of small-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)100.00±0.00a 96.67±1.67a 96.67±1.67a 0.5 100.00±0.00ab 90.00±2.89b 86.67±1.67b 2 93.33±1.67b 80.00±2.89bc 43.33±4.41c 8 83.33±4.41b 41.67±4.41c 15.00±2.89c爬杆率Climbing rate(%)12h 24h 36h 0

表6 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中型红火蚁工蚁爬杆能力的影响
Table 6 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on climbing ability of medium-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 1 96.67±1.67ab 95.00±2.89b 86.67±3.33b 4 91.67±4.41ab 63.33±7.26c 45.00±7.64c 16 86.67±1.67b 36.67±6.01c 13.33±4.41c爬杆率Climbing rate(%)12h 24h 36h 0

2.4 氯虫苯甲酰胺对中小型红火蚁抓附能力的影响

试验结果(表7、表8)表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中小型红火蚁抓附能力有显著影响,且随着氯虫苯甲酰胺处理浓度的增大,对中小型红火蚁抓附率的抑制效果越明显。处理后36 h内,各浓度处理存活红火蚁数量均大于10头。不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型、中型红火蚁工蚁抓附率有显著影响(F=6.004,P=0.031;F=7.275,P=0.020)。

表7 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对小型红火蚁工蚁抓附能力的影响
Table 7 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on adhesion ability of small-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)96.67±1.67a 96.67±1.67a 96.67±1.67a 0.5 95.00±2.89ab 86.67±1.67b 81.67±3.33b 2 93.33±3.33b 71.67±4.41bc 48.33±6.01c 8 83.33±1.67b 36.67±7.26c 11.67±4.41c抓附率Adhesion rate(%)12h 24h 36h 0

表8 不同浓度氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对中型红火蚁工蚁抓附能力的影响
Table 8 The effects of different concentrations of chlorantraniliprole aqueous solution on adhesion ability of medium-sized workers of Solenopsis invicta Buren

Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 by Graph-based approach.

浓度Concentration(mg/L)100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 100.00±0.00a 1 96.67±1.67b 91.67±6.01ab 81.67±3.33a 4 93.33±3.33b 60.00±7.64b 40.00±5.77b 16 81.67±3.33b 28.33±3.33c 11.67±6.01c抓附率Adhesion rat(%)12h 24h 36h 0

3 讨论






4 结论



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Effects of Chlorantraniliprole on Toxic Activity and Behavior of Solenopsis invicta Buren

CHEN Huiya, HUANG Shiyou, MA Qianli, ZHANG Zhixiang
(Key Laboratory of Natural Pesticide and Chemical Biology, Ministry of Education/ College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642,China)

Abstract:【Objective】The study was conduct to explore the effects of chlorantraniliprole on the toxic activity,walking ability, climbing ability and adhesion ability of small and medium-sized Solenopsis invicta Buren. 【Method】 The toxic activity of chlorantraniliprole against S. invicta Buren was assayed with aqueous solution tubes method. 【Result】The results showed that the corrected mortality of the small-sized S. invicta Buren was 96.55% after treatment with 8 mg/L of chlorantraniliprole for 60 h. The corrected mortality of the medium-sized S. invicta Buren was 100.00% after treatment with 16 mg/L of chlorantraniliprole for 60 h. After treatment with 8 mg/L chlorantraniliprole for 36 h, the walking rate, climbing rate and adhesion rate of the small-sized Solenopsis invicta Buren were 15.00%, 15.00% and 11.67%, respectively. After treatment with 16 mg/L chlorantraniliprole for 36 h, the walking rate, climbing rate and adhesion rate of the medium-sized Solenopsis invicta Buren were 15.00%, 13.33% and 11.67%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Chlorantraniliprole shows good toxic activity and behavior effects on small and medium-sized S. invicta Buren, and has a good application prospect in the prevention and control of S. invicta Buren.

Key words:Solenopsis invicta Buren; chlorantraniliprole; toxic activity; control experiment.









(责任编辑 杨贤智)