

(华南农业大学海洋学院,广东 广州 510642)

摘 要:【目的】探究黑水虻初孵幼虫采用开口料饲喂是否更有利于其后期生长,并研究猪粪与麦麸混合培养料的最适比例。【方法】设初孵阶段采用开口料(全麦麸)饲喂的对照处理及不采用开口料饲喂的试验处理,用猪粪含量分别为90%、80%、60%、50%的麦麸混合培养料进行饲喂。定期测量黑水虻幼虫的体长、体宽、体重。【结果】对照处理中,黑水虻幼虫体长、体宽、体重的增长随着猪粪含量的降低而逐渐增高,在猪粪含量为50%时达到最佳。试验处理中,幼虫的生长指标随着猪粪含量的降低呈现先增后减的趋势,在猪粪含量为80%时达到最佳。比较对照处理与相应试验处理,除猪粪含量为90%的两组差异不显著外,其余整体生长指标均表现为对照处理优于试验处理,且差异显著。【结论】采用开口料饲喂黑水虻初孵幼虫更有利于其后期生长,且粪含量为50%的猪粪麦麸混合培养料对幼虫生长最有利。


【研究意义】黑水虻(Hermetia illucens L.)为腐生性的水虻科昆虫,其幼虫常用来处理农业废弃物、餐厨垃圾等,可有效减少厨余垃圾、降低农业废弃物量[1],还可有效改善被污染区域的空气质量[2]。据报道,经黑水虻幼虫处理的畜禽粪便中,具有挥发性气味的化合物排放量降低87%以上[3],同时根据采食物质的不同会富集特定的营养成分[4]。近年来,黑水虻幼虫常被应用于处理畜禽粪便,报道较多的是对猪粪处理模式的探究[5-7]。研究发现,黑水虻幼虫的肠道有较强的免疫系统,能有效抑制猪粪中的有害病原体,采食的粪便可转化为可供动物食用的优质昆虫蛋白[8-10]。【前人研究进展】Marono等[11]研究发现,黑水虻幼虫粉可作为蛋鸡饲料中所需蛋白的替代物。陈晓瑛等[12]在研究黑水虻幼虫粉替代部分鱼粉对黄颡鱼生长性能影响的试验中发现,黑水虻幼虫粉替代量为30%对黄颡鱼的生长性能无影响。Li等[13]研究表明,利用黑水虻幼虫粉替代大西洋鲑鱼饲料蛋白源,不会损害其肠道健康。目前黑水虻幼虫的利用价值在逐渐提高,但有关幼虫初孵阶段是否需要开口料及后期生长最适猪粪辅料配比的研究较少。袁志能等[14]采用不同含量进境小麦下脚料饲喂黑水虻幼虫,结果表明,60%的小麦下脚料最适宜幼虫生长。杨安妮等[15]采用鸡粪搭配麦麸饲喂黑水虻幼虫,发现鸡粪含量为20%对幼虫生长最佳。马加康等[16]采用玉米、麦麸混合料搭配鸭粪饲喂黑水虻幼虫,研究认为鸭粪添加量以60%为宜。陈海洪等[17]使用黑水虻三龄幼虫直接处理不添加任何辅料的新鲜猪粪,发现幼虫可以存活并生长,但生长效果不佳。


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

黑水虻虫卵,由广州无两生物科技有限公司提供;麦麸,由佳惠饲料有限公司提供;新鲜猪粪,由农业部连州市安全水产科技服务站提供;小养殖盒(120 mm×155 mm×60 mm)。

1.2 试验方法


试验设8个处理,采用一一对照的方式,分为对照处理和试验处理(表1),其中,A~D为对照,采用麦麸作为开口料饲喂6 d再转为混合培养料饲养;E~H为试验处理,不采用开口料,直接饲喂含有猪粪的混合培养料。每个处理3个重复,开始均加入250 g料。

表1 不同处理的粪料添加比例
Table 1 Manure addition proportion of different treatments(%)

处理Treatment 猪粪Pig manure 麦麸Wheat bran A/E 90 10 B/F 80 20 C/G 60 40 D/H 50 50

1.3 养殖流程

孵化阶段:将E~H试验处理所需的混合培养料制备好,湿度为55%~65%,均匀铺于养殖盒底,厚度在5~6 cm之间。称取0.05 g虫卵放于纸板上,再放于培养料上方中间位置,盖上纱网,养殖盒置于室内。对照为全麦麸开口料。孵化周期一般为3 d。

管理阶段:每天用温湿度计按时测量养殖盒内的温湿度,温度一般以25~30 ℃为宜;前期培养料的湿度控制在55%~65%之间,后期保持培养料底部翻起较松散即可。

1.4 生长指标测量


试验数据采用SPSS 20.0、EXCEL2007进行统计分析,并进行单因素方差分析(ANOVA)[18],若处理间差异显著,则进行Duncan’s多重比较[19]

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体长的影响


2.2 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体宽的影响


表2 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体长的影响
Table 2 Effect of different proportions of pig manure on the body length of Hermetia illucens L. larvae(cm)

Note: After the data in the same column, the same lowercase letter represents insignificant difference, the adjacent letters represent significant differences, and the letter interval represents extremely significant difference.

处理Treatment 16日龄16 days of age A 1.02±0.10b 1.33±0.12b 1.39±0.14a 1.46±0.12a 1.50±0.12a 1.53±0.09a B 1.23±0.08d 1.58±0.11e 1.67±0.12e 1.70±0.10b 1.78±0.11c 1.82±0.08d C 1.14±0.10c 1.50±0.12d 1.60±0.07d 1.65±0.06b 1.72±0.10c 1.73±0.13c D 1.21±0.09d 1.63±0.11f 1.85±0.17f 1.93±0.18c 2.02±0.15d 2.03±0.15e E 0.70±0.08a 1.18±0.09a 1.40±0.12ab 1.49±0.13a 1.55±0.17ab 1.56±0.17a F 1.17±0.12cd 1.40±0.12c 1.49±0.16c 1.52±0.12a 1.60±0.15b 1.64±0.10b G 1.15±0.10c 1.43±0.11c 1.48±0.10c 1.50±0.07a 1.56±0.12ab 1.58±0.06a H 1.15±0.15c 1.44±0.15c 1.46±0.15bc 1.52±0.12a 1.55±0.07ab 1.58±0.11a 6日龄6 days of age 8日龄8 days of age 10日龄10 days of age 12日龄12 days of age 14日龄14 days of age

表3 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体宽的影响
Table 3 Effects of different proportions of pig manure on the body width of Hermetia illucens L. larvae(cm)

Note: After the data in the same column, the same lowercase letter represents insignificant difference, the adjacent letters represent significant differences, and the letter interval represents extremely significant difference.

处理Treatment 16日龄16 days of age A 0.31±0.05b 0.35±0.04b 0.38±0.02a 0.42±0.03ab 0.40±0.05a 0.42±0.03a B 0.34±0.05cd 0.42±0.03cd 0.43±0.03d 0.45±0.03cd 0.43±0.04b 0.46±0.03cd C 0.33±0.05bc 0.40±0.03c 0.42±0.03d 0.45±0.03d 0.43±0.05b 0.47±0.03d D 0.32±0.05bc 0.44±0.03d 0.49±0.04e 0.49±0.04e 0.49±0.05c 0.50±0.04e E 0.21±0.03a 0.31±0.03a 0.40±0.05bc 0.41±0.03a 0.41±0.04a 0.43±0.03a F 0.34±0.06c 0.40±0.05c 0.41±0.04cd 0.42±0.06ab 0.42±0.05ab 0.44±0.03ab G 0.37±0.04d 0.40±0.03c 0.41±0.03cd 0.43±0.03bcd 0.43±0.05b 0.44±0.04ab H 0.32±0.07bc 0.40±0.03c 0.39±0.04ab 0.43±0.03bc 0.42±0.04ab 0.45±0.03bc 6日龄6 days of age 8日龄8 days of age 10日龄10 days of age 12日龄12 days of age 14日龄14 days of age

表4 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体重的影响
Table 4 Effects of different proportions of pig manure on the body weight of Hermetia illucens L. larvae(g)

Note: After the data in the same column, the same lowercase letter represents insignificant difference, the adjacent letters represent significant differences, and the letter interval represents extremely significant difference.

16日龄16 days of age A 0.4062±0.0594b 0.9345±0.1868ab 1.1237±0.1624a 1.1595±0.1936a 1.2387±0.1372a 1.2881±0.1837a B 0.6475±0.0475c 1.5405±0.2166d 1.6950±0.1905b 1.7621±0.0971b 1.8865±0.1166c 2.0143±0.2367b C 0.5093±0.0532bc 1.3969±0.2152cd 1.4821±0.1694ab 1.6195±0.1631ab 1.7438±0.0810bc 1.8260±0.2392ab D 0.6128±0.0703bc 1.5285±0.0960d 2.3567±0.4519c 2.4405±0.3474c 2.5544±0.3489d 2.6076±0.3589c E 0.1754±0.0388a 0.7292±0.0663a 1.0996±0.2855a 1.2967±0.4158ab 1.3378±0.2544ab 1.4522±0.3766ab F 0.6498±0.0631c 1.2104±0.0786bcd 1.3766±0.1311ab 1.4265±0.2140ab 1.5078±0.2011abc 1.7307±0.3275ab G 0.6367±0.1470c 1.1496±0.1276bc 1.2598±0.1378ab 1.3492±0.1432ab 1.4827±0.1116abc 1.5705±0.1754ab H 0.5840±0.1694bc 1.1131±0.2064ab 1.2019±0.1746ab 1.3414±0.1605ab 1.3865±0.1592ab 1.4245±0.1552ab处理Treatment 6日龄6 days of age 8日龄8 days of age 10日龄10 days of age 12日龄12 days of age 14日龄14 days of age

2.3 不同比例猪粪对黑水虻幼虫体重的影响


3 讨论


4 结论



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Effects of Starter Feed and Pig Manure on the Growth of Hermetia illucens L. Larvae

YE Jiawei, GUAN Wanting, SHI Yifu, SHI Yunfeng,TANG Xuelian, FU Jinghua, XU Minjun
(College of Marine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)

Abstract:【Objective】The study was to investigate the effect of starter feed on the later growth of newly hatched larvae of Hermetia illucens L., and to explore the optimal ratio of mixed compost of pig manure and wheat bran.【Method】Two groups were set: the control group fed with starter feed(whole wheat bran)at initial incubation stage and the experimental group without starter feed but the mixed wheat bran compost with pig manure contents of 90%, 80%, 60% and 50%. In the experiment, the body length, body width and body weight of the larvae were measured regularly.【Result】In the control group, the growth of body length, body width and body weight of the H. illucens L. larvae gradually increased with the decrease of pig manure content, and reached the best when the pig manure content was 50%. In the experimental group, the growth indicators of larvae showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing with the decrease of pig manure content, and reached the best when the pig manure content was 80%. Except for the 90% pig manure content, the difference between the control group and the experimental group was not significant. The overall growth indicators of the other groups showed that the control group was better than the experimental group and the difference was significant.【Conclusion】It shows that feeding the newly-hatched larvae of the H. illucens L. with starter feed is more conducive to its later growth, and the mixed compost of pig manure and wheat bran is most beneficial to the growth of larvae when the content of pig manure is 50%.

Key words: Hermetia illucens L. larvae; wheat bran; pig manure; growth indicator




叶家炜,关婉婷,石逸夫,时云峰,唐雪莲,付京花,徐民俊.开口料及猪粪对黑水虻幼虫生长的影响[J]. 广东农业科学,2020,47(7):137-141.



作者简介:叶家炜(1995—),男,在读硕士生,研究方向为水产动物营养与饲料,E-mail: 814100277@qq.com


(责任编辑 崔建勋)