胡新洲 1 ,杨进成 1 ,李红彦 1 ,李  祥 1 ,刘坚坚 1 ,安正云 1 ,李明芳 2,普家富.山地油菜避灾高效栽培增产、提质及节本效应分析[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(3):17-23
查看全文    HTML 山地油菜避灾高效栽培增产、提质及节本效应分析
Analysis on Yield Increase, Quality Improvement and Cost Saving Effects of Disaster Avoidance and Efficient Cultivation Technique for Mountain Rapeseed
中文关键词: 山地油菜  避灾高效栽培  产量  提升品质  节本效应
英文关键词: mountain rapeseed  disaster avoidance and efficient cultivation  yield  promoting quality  cost-saving effect
胡新洲 1 ,杨进成 1 ,李红彦 1 ,李  祥 1 ,刘坚坚 1 ,安正云 1 ,李明芳 2,普家富 1. 玉溪市农业科学院云南 玉溪 6531002. 易门县农业技术推广站云南 易门 651100 3. 峨山县塔甸镇农科站云南 峨山 653200 
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      【目的】避开制约山地油菜生产的“五害”,提高山地油菜的比较效益。【方法】采用避灾高效 栽培与传统种植的同田对比试验研究。【结果】避灾高效栽培每 667 m2 油菜籽产量为 156.17 kg,比传统种植(96.52 kg)增产 65.65 kg,增幅 72.53%;避灾高效栽培油菜每 667 m2 产值为 833.15 元、成本为 538.54 元、纯收入为 294.61 元,传统种植产值为 473.57 元、成本为 871.51 元、纯收入为 -397.94 元,高效栽培比传统种植节约成本 332.96 元,产值增加 359.58 元,纯收入增加 652.55 元;避灾高效栽培的油菜籽粗脂肪含量提高 2.87%,芥酸含 量降低 0.57%,硫甙含量降低 6.24 μmol/g、降幅 13.02%。【结论】该技术在节本效应、提升山地油菜产量及品 质效果显著,经济效益可观,适宜在玉溪乃至整个云南山区推广应用。
      【Objective】The study was conducted to avoid the“five harms”restricting the production of mountain rapeseed and improve the comparative benefit of mountain rapeseed.【Method】Comparative experimental study on disaster avoidance and efficient cultivation and traditional cultivation was conducted in the same field. 【Result】The yield per 667 m2 of high-efficiency disaster avoidance cultivation was 156.17 kg ,while that of traditional cultivation was 96.52 kg, with a yield increase of 65.65 kg and an increase rate of 72.53%. The output value of disaster avoidance and efficient cultivation was CNY 833.15, the cost was CNY 538.54 and the net income was CNY 294.61, while the output value of traditional cultivation was CNY 473.57, the cost was CNY 871.51 and the net income was CNY397.94. Compared with traditional cultivation, the cost was reduced by CNY 332.96, the output value was increased by CNY 359.58 and the net income was increased by CNY 652.55. The crude fat content of rapeseed could be increased by 2.87% in disaster avoidance and efficient cultivation, the content of erucic acid decreased by 0.57%, and the content of sulfuric glucoside decreased by 6.24 μmol/g, with a decrease rate of 13.02%.【Conclusion】This technology had remarkable effect in saving cost and improving yield and quality with considerable economic benefit. Therefore, it was suitable to be promoted and applied in Yuxi and even the whole mountainous area of Yunnan.
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