查看全文    HTML 不同南瓜砧木嫁接对黄瓜生长、产量及蜡粉的影响
Effects of Different Pumpkin Stock Grafting on Growth,Yield and Wax Powder of Cucumber
中文关键词: 黄瓜砧木  嫁接  选育  存活率  性状  产量
英文关键词: cucumber rootstock  grafting  breeding  survival rate  trait  yield
吴乾兴,肖春雷,黄庆文,刘龙心,肖日升,孔祥义,韩晓燕 三亚市南繁科学技术研究院海南 三亚 572000 
摘要点击次数: 1470
全文下载次数: 732
      【目的】筛选适合三亚市土壤及气候条件的黄瓜砧木品种。【方法】对 14 个市场上应用较多及自 主选育的黄瓜砧木新品种展开筛选,并研究嫁接当地主栽黄瓜品种津绿 18 后对黄瓜生长、产量和蜡粉等的影响。 【结果】各砧木嫁接成活率最高为惠美一号(99.14%),最低为比久 F1(87.57%),成活率达 95% 以上的有 火凤凰、威力一号、黄诚根 2 号、惠美一号、北农亮砧、S84、S31×S73;火凤凰、壮士、北农亮砧、S31×S73 相较其他处理前期生长优势更明显;火凤凰、北农亮砧处理对刺瘤影响较小,火凤凰、嘉藤青木、东方正大小 籽、北农亮砧无蜡粉,增加了果实亮度;小区产量较高的北农砧木 2、火凤凰分别比津绿 18 自根苗(CK)增产 21.54%、20.54%。【结论】火凤凰嫁接成活率高,黄瓜前期长势强,对果实性状影响小,果实无蜡粉、瓜色亮, 商品性状好,产量增加 20.54%,是适合三亚地区黄瓜嫁接的优良砧木。
      【Objective】 The study was to screen cucumber rootstock varieties that suitable for the soil and climatic condition in Sanya City. 【Method】 Cucumber cultivar Jinlv No. 18 was grafted onto 14 widely-applied and independent breeding pumpkin rootstocks, and the effects of grafting on the growth, fruit yield and wax powder of cucumber were studied. 【Result】The highest and lowest survivals of the grafting were 99.14% (Huimei No.1) and 87.57% (Biju F1). The varieties with a survival rate of more than 95% include: Huofenghuang, Weili No. 1, Huangchenggen No. 2, Huimei No. 1, Beinongliangzhen, S84 and S31×S73. The pre-growth advantages of Huofenghuang, Zhuangshi, Beinongliangzhen and S31×S73 were more obvious than those of other treatments; Huofenghuang and Beinongliangzhen had less effect on the thorn and Huofenghuang, Jiatengqingmu, Dongfangzhengdaxiaozi, Beinongliangzhen did not have wax powder and increased the fruit brightness. The plot yield of Beinongzhenmu No. 2 and Huofenghuang increased by 21.54% and 20.54% respectively compared with that of Jinlv No. 18 (CK). 【Conclusion】 After being grafted with Huofenghuang, the cucumber cultivar Jinlv No. 18 obtained high survival rate and vigorous growth and produced fruits with shiny skin and better appearance, with the production increased by 20.54%. Huofenghuang is good rootstock suitable for cucumber production in Sanya.
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