程相杰 1 ,郭志伟 1 ,任广乾 1 ,孙 强 1 ,刘贺娟 1 ,甄俊琦 1 ,张 蓓 1 ,王童童 1 ,李 仪 2 ,任福森 1.辣椒 CaSULTR 基因家族的鉴定、表达与克隆[J].广东农业科学,2024,51(6):60-70
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Identification, Expression Analysis and Cloning of CaSULTR Gene Family in Pepper
中文关键词: 辣椒  全基因组分析  硫酸盐转运蛋白  激素胁迫  表达分析  生物信息学
英文关键词: pepper  whole genome analysis  sulfate transporter  hormone stress  expression analysis  bioinformatics
程相杰 1 ,郭志伟 1 ,任广乾 1 ,孙 强 1 ,刘贺娟 1 ,甄俊琦 1 ,张 蓓 1 ,王童童 1 ,李 仪 2 ,任福森 1 (1. 新乡市农业科学院河南 新乡 4530032. 东北农业大学园艺园林学院黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030) 
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      【目的】作为植物所需的四大营养元素之一,硫在植物生长发育、抵御生物和非生物胁迫中扮演着 关键角色。硫酸盐转运蛋白(Sulfate transporter,SULTR)作为植物对硫酸盐吸收和运输的主要调节者,在这一过 程中发挥着不可替代的作用。了解辣椒 CaSULTR 的基本特性及表达模式,为推进辣椒 SULTR 的研究提供理论支 持。【方法】以辣椒基因组为基础,在全基因组范围内鉴定辣椒 CaSULTR 基因家族的成员,并对其理化性质、 保守基序、基因结构等进行分析。基于已公布的转录组数据及荧光定量 PCR 技术,分析不同激素胁迫条件下辣椒 CaSULTR 基因的表达模式,并对差异表达基因进行克隆。【结果】共鉴定到 13 个辣椒 CaSULTR 基因,分别命名 为 CaSULTR1;1~1;3、CaSULTR2;1~2;2、CaSULTR3;1~3;7、CaSULTR4;1。这些基因分布在辣椒的 7 条染色体上, 氨基酸长度为 641~947 aa,分子量 69.65~104.36 kD,等电点在 8.42~9.62,均为疏水性蛋白。CaSULTR 被分为 4 个 亚组(Ⅰ~Ⅳ),其中Ⅲ亚组包含最多成员,同一亚组不同成员间的理化性质差异较小且 Motif 和基因结构相对保守, 除 CaSULTR2;1 和 CaSULTR2;2 外的成员均具有 Motif 5。组织表达分析显示,CaSULTR 可能参与叶片、果实、花等 器官的发育过程,其中 CaSULTR4;1 在叶、根、茎中均有表达。激素胁迫下的辣椒表达谱与荧光定量 PCR 结果显 示,CaSULTR1;1 和 CaSULTR3;4 受激素诱导后显著上调表达。【结论】明确了 CaSULTR 在激素胁迫下的表达模式, 推测 CaSULTR1;1 和 CaSULTR3;4 可能参与外源激素调节硫代谢的过程。
      Abstract: 【Objective】As one of the four major nutrients required by plants, sulfur is a crucial for plant growth and development, playing a pivotal role in enhancing plant resistance against both biotic and abiotic stresses. Sulfate transporters (SULTR) serve as primary regulators in the absorption and transport of sulfate in plants, playing an irreplaceable role in this process. The understanding of the fundamental characteristics and expression patterns of CaSULTR genes could help to provide theoretical support for advancing researches on SULTR in peppers.【Method】Based on the pepper genome, members of the pepper CaSULTR gene family were identified at the whole-genome level. A comprehensive analysis of their physicochemical properties, conserved Motifs and gene structures was conducted. By utilizing publicly available transcriptome data and qPCR technology, the expression patterns of CaSULTR genes under various hormone stress conditions were analyzed. Additionally, differentially expressed genes were cloned for further investigation.【Result】A total of 13 CaSULTR genes were identified and designated as CaSULTR1;1~1;3, CaSULTR2;1~2;2, CaSULTR3;1~3;7 and CaSULTR4;1. These genes were distributed on seven chromosomes in pepper, with amino acid lengths ranging from 641 to 947 aa, molecular weights from 69.65 to 104.36 kD, and isoelectric points between 8.42 to 9.62. Characterized by the hydrophobicity, CaSULTR proteins were classified into four subgroups (Ⅰ-Ⅳ), with subgroup Ⅲ containing the highest number of members. Within the same subgroup, members exhibited relatively small differences in physicochemical properties, and Motifs and gene structures were relatively conserved. With the exception of CaSULTR2;1 and CaSULTR2;2, all members possessed Motif 5. Tissue expression analysis indicated that CaSULTR genes may be involved in the development of organs such as leaves, fruits and flowers, with CaSULTR4;1 exhibiting expression in leaves, roots and stems. Expression profile analysis under hormone stress, coupled with qPCR results, revealed significant up-regulation of CaSULTR1;1 and CaSULTR3;4 under hormone induction.【Conclusion】The expression patterns of CaSULTR genes under hormone stress are identified, suggesting that of CaSULTR1;1 and CaSULTR3;4 may be involved in the regulation of sulfur metabolism by exogenous hormones.
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