查看全文    HTML 有机肥及秸秆对设施菜田次生盐渍化土壤修复效果研究
Effect of manure and straw on secondary salinity soil of greenhouse
中文关键词: 设施土壤  次生盐渍化  有机肥  秸秆  修复
英文关键词: greenhouse soil  secondary salinity  manure  straw  melioration
李尚科,沈根祥,郭春霞,钱晓雍,顾海蓉 1.东华大学环境科学与工程学院上海2000512.上海市环境科学研究院上海200233 
摘要点击次数: 1613
全文下载次数: 752
      The effect of different applying manure and straw on soil secondary salinization and rape biomass in greenhouse soil was studied by pot culture. Both manure and straw have installed five treatments and a control group. The results showed that the soil soluble salt in the soil treated by manure and straw were lower than the control group's. The soil salt in the manure treatment groups could first decreased and then increased when the manure was applied furthermore. In the straw treatment groups, soil salt reduced with increase of amount of straw. The rape biomass in the groups of both manure and straw treatment were significantly larger than control group's, and the manure was better than straw. While applying manure and straw could meliorate secondary salinity and enhanced soil quality, it was an effective way to achieve sustainable development of agriculture.
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