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Discussion about the advantages and problems of hypobaric storage
中文关键词: 减压贮藏  保鲜  优点  问题
英文关键词: hypobaric storage  fresh-keeping  advantages  problems
王博,李光乐,林茂,陈世云,何秋萍 海南大学机电工程学院袁海南儋州571737 
摘要点击次数: 1620
全文下载次数: 899
      Hypobaric storage is an advanced preservation technology. However our understanding of this technology today wasn't profound enough, and there existed limitations in the study of the advantages and the problems in the development of hypobaric storage.For this reason, we analyzed the advantages of this technology in this paper, like prolonging the storage time, achieving the effect of low O2 or ultra-low O2 and efficient sterilization, we also put forward the theoretical and technical difficulties that exist in developing and promoting this technology, such as, high cost in construction, easy water loss of the product and new physiological barriers and diseases that may be caused. Specific to this situation, we came up with some solutions to the related issues. The conclusion of this discussion can provide a reference and direction for the related follow-up research and development work.
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