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More discussion on"Daigeng Farmer"issues and social work intervention in Pearl River delta
中文关键词: 代耕农  “代耕农”问题  社会工作干预  社会工作者  非政府组织
英文关键词: Key words: Daigeng Farmer  “Daigen Farmer”issues  social work intervention  social worker  non-government organization
莫建臻,卓彩琴,黄凯利,向安强 华南农业大学公共管理学院广东广州510642 
摘要点击次数: 1543
全文下载次数: 533
      “Daigeng Farmer”is a special vulnerable group of agricultural floating population in Pearl River region, whose living conditions are poor, which will probably trigger a serious of social problems and affect social stability at any time. Social worker, who is concerned about vulnerable groups, is able to intervene in the “Daigeng Farmer”issues with its professional skills and methods. On the one hand, social worker can help “Daigeng Farmer”bring out their potential from the point of advanteges to lead them help themselves,improve or even solve their living and employing conditions. On the other hand, social worker can, acting as an agent, resources coordinator or other players, coordinate social relationship, and form an effective interventions solving “Daigeng Farmer”issues, which is led by government, participated broadly by social power. Finally we can lead to a good condition of preventing and solving social problems, promoting social justice and harmony.
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