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Bibliometric analysis of research literature on conversion of farmland back to forests
中文关键词: 退耕还林  研究论文  计量分析
英文关键词: conversion of farmland back to forests  research paper  bibliometric analysis
叶充,蔡仕珍,胡庭兴 1.四川农业大学图书馆四川成都6111302.四川农业大学风景园林学院四川成都611130曰3.四川农业大学林学院四川雅安625014 
摘要点击次数: 1546
全文下载次数: 699
      以重庆维普公司的叶中文科技期刊全文数据库曳为统计分析源,采用文献计量法对1999-2010 年我国“退耕还林”工程研究论文的年际变化趋势、作者机构、期刊分布、学科分布、论文主题和作者合作度等进行分析。结果表明,1999-2010 年,对“退耕还林”工程的研究一直受到学术界的重视,平均每年的研究论文都在300 篇以上;我国“退耕还林”工程受到各级相关林业职能部门、涉林研究机构和高校的高度关注;研究的核心期刊群主要是林业及相关期刊;研究领域除了林业、农业,还涉及经济和环境等学科;研究重点和热点主要在应用方面,基础研究相对较少。
      Based on"Chinese database of scientific and technological periodicals", this paper employed bibliometric methods to analyze the engineering research papers engaged in the area of "conversion of farmland back to forests in China"from 1999 to 2010, on aspect of the annual variation in output volume, the authors"institutions, distribution of journals, distribution of disciplines, published topics, and authors"collaboration degrees. The results showed that the area "conversion of farmland back to forests in China"attracted close attention from scientific community and on average more than 300 papers were published every year. Moreover, administrative departments at various levels, research institutes, and universities in forestry all focused closely on this area. The core journals were mainly forestry periodicals. The primary research sub-areas include forestry, agriculture, economics, and environmental sciences. The hot and emphasized topics were limited to application, while fundamental research was relatively scarce.
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