查看全文    HTML 不同追肥方式和播种密度对桂中地区玉米农艺性状与产量的影响
Effects of different topdressing way and planting density on agronomic characteristics and yield of maize in middle area of Guangxi
中文关键词: 玉米  追肥方式  播种密度  农艺性状  产量
英文关键词: maize  top dressing way  planting density  agronomic traits  yield
秦祖臻,刘永贤,韦培炎,杨武兴,谢恒,杨荣时 1.来宾市兴宾区土肥站广西来宾5461002.广西农科院农业资源与环境研究所广西南宁5300073.来宾市兴宾区农业技术推广站广西来宾5461004.来宾市兴宾区大湾乡农业服务中心,广西来宾546103 
摘要点击次数: 1839
全文下载次数: 635
      为探索桂中地区玉米的高产栽培配套技术,2010 年在广西来宾市兴宾区开展不同追肥方式和不同播种密度对玉米农艺性状和产量影响的试验。结果表明,2次追肥处理的平均株高、穗位高、产量均比3次追肥处理高;在相同的追肥方式下,在一定播种密度范围内,玉米产量随着播种密度的增加而增加。可见,采用2次追肥的方式,适当增加播种密度,不但能获得高产,而且节省了劳力,是桂中地区玉米较理想的高产栽培技术措施。
      In order to explore the high yield cultivation techniques of Pacific 98 in middle area of Guangxi, the effects of different top dressing way and planting density on agronomic characteristics and yield of maize in Laibin of Guangxi in 2010 were studied. The results showed that, the average plant height, ear height and yield of top dressing for 2 times were better than top dressing for 3 times.Under the same top dressing way, when the planting density was within a certain range, the yield of maize was increased with the planting density incresing. Thus, through top dressing for 2 times and increasing planting density appropriately, we could not only achieve high yield, but also save labour. The pattern was an ideal high yield culture technique of maize in middle area in Guangxi.
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