查看全文    HTML 南雄烤烟挥发性香气物含量与不同土壤类型关系
Effects of volatile aroma components of flue-cured tobacco under different type of soil in Nanxiong
中文关键词: 烟草  土壤类型  香气物质  相关分析
英文关键词: tobacco  soil type  aroma components  correlation analysis
王丽晶,李淑玲,柯油松,万树青 1. 华南农业大学昆虫毒理研究室/农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室广东广州5106422.广东省农科院作物研究所广东广州5106403.广东烟草南雄市有限公司广东南雄512400 
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      以K326 为材料,通过GC/MS 分析紫色土、沙泥田、牛肝土田和掺入一定比例红砂土和河沙土紫色土、沙泥田和牛肝土田上生长的烤烟样品挥发性香气物种类和含量的差异。检测结果表明:紫色土醛酮酚类香气物质相对含量24.23%,醇类香气物质6.59%,酸类香气物质12.05%,酯类香气物质1.96%,烃类香气物质39.17%,是3 种土壤类型中香气物质含量最高的。紫色土掺入不同比例的河沙后,掺入30%河沙的紫色土的酸类香气物质的相对含量达到18.98%,明显高于原紫色土;掺入45%红砂土的沙泥田醛酮酚类香气物质的相对含量增加到24.56%;掺入45%河沙的牛肝土田的烃类香气物质的相对含量增加到17.55%。根据试验结果讨论了土壤性质与烤烟香气物质含量的关系,并探讨种植优质烤烟所需要的土壤条件。
      K326 (Nicotiana tobacco)was planted in 3 types of soil including purple soil, shanitian soil, and Niugantian soil. Add different percentage of river sand and arenosols to the three types of soil. Tobacco leaves from these tobacco soils textures were selected to investigate the differences in the content of aroma components in flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the tobacco leaf quality was greatly influenced by soil factors, the purple soil contains the aroma of aldehyde, ketone, phenol 24.23%,the relative content of alcohol aroma was 6.59%, the acid aroma was 12.05%,the ester aroma was 1.96%, the alkane aroma was 39.17%. Purple soil was the best among the 3 types of soil, and niugantian soil was the worst. The content of aroma components in flue-cured tobacco has some changes in the changed soil. The purple soil with 30% river sand which acid aroma added to 18.98%;the shanitian soil with 45% arenosols which aldehyde, ketone, phenol aroma added 24.56%,niugantian soil with 45% river sand which alkane aroma added to 17.55%.In the paper, we investigate the relation between soil and the content of aroma components in flue-cured tobacco. And the soil conditions for high quality flue-cured tobacco planting were also discussed.
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