查看全文    HTML 基于灰关联模型的水环境质量时空变化研究
Study on space-time variety of water environment quality based on gray relational model
中文关键词: 灰关联模型  水环境质量  时空变化  关联系数  关联度
英文关键词: gray relational model  water environment quality  space-time variety  correlation coefficient  relational grades
石建屏,李新,王微 1.绵阳职业技术学院材料工程系,四川绵阳621000
摘要点击次数: 1800
全文下载次数: 593
      以渠江渠县段4 个监测断面2006-2010年实际监测数据为基础,选择TP、NH3-N、CODMn、BOD5、DO 5个主要污染指标作为评价因子,采用灰关联模型对渠江渠县段水环境质量时空变化进行实证研究。将地表水水质分级标准值与4个监测断面实测值进行归一化处理,计算每个断面各水质评价因子相对于水质分级标准的关联系数,根据关联度大小分析和评价河段水环境质量时空变化。结果表明,4个监测断面水质均达到功能区的标准要求;上游A断面水质5年保持Ⅰ级水平;B和C断面水质在Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级之间波动;下游D断面水质由Ⅱ级降到Ⅲ级,污染呈上升趋势。提出了提高城市生活污水的处理率和达标率,优化渠江两岸城镇、乡村以及工业、农业布局,加强沿河工业废水处理设施的建设步伐等主要措施,以防止和治理水污染,逐步改善和保护渠江河流生态环境。
      On basis of average annual monitoring data of four monitoring sections in Quxian part of Qujiang river from 2006 to 2010, selecting TP, NH3-N, CODMn, BOD5 and DO as evaluation factors, water environment quality and space-time variety of the river was evaluated by using gray relational model. First, by way of normalizing the surface water environment quality classification standard and measured values of four monitoring sections, then calculating the correlation coefficient of the different water quality indexes of each section and year, finally calculating the relational grades of water quality indexes of each section and year. The results indicated that the water quality of four monitoring sections come up to functional classification standards. The water quality of A section retained Ⅰlevel standard in five years, without obvious change. The water quality of B and C sections have some fluctuation in Ⅰlevel and Ⅱlevel standard. The class of water pollution of D section are on the rise from Ⅱto Ⅲlevel standard. The analysis suggested to improve the sewage treatment rate, optimize the treatment process, control the pollution of Industrial, agriculture, city life and rural life, plan the river ecosystem restoration.
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