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Research on key technical parameters in the procession of Danxia 2
中文关键词: 丹霞2号  玫瑰蜜韵  萎凋  发酵  理化成分
英文关键词: Danxia 2  rose and nectarial perfume  withering  fermentation  biochemical composition
乔小燕,吴华玲,陈栋,王秋霜,李家贤,黄华林,何玉媚 广东省农科院茶叶研究所/广东省茶树资源创新利用重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1937
全文下载次数: 951
      以丹霞2号春季鲜叶为原料,研究不同萎凋和发酵时间对红茶品质风格及其主要品质成分的影响。结果表明,随着萎凋时间的不断延长,红茶中可溶性糖和游离氨基酸含量呈现出先降后升的趋势;咖啡碱含量在4%~5%之间变化;茶红素和茶褐素的变化趋势一致,萎凋38 h时含量达到最大,之后下降;茶黄素含量变化不大,维持在较低水平;茶多酚含量总体表现下降趋势,水浸出物则不断增加。在发酵过程中,随着发酵时间的延长,红茶可溶性糖尧、游离氨基酸、咖啡碱、茶多酚和水浸出物含量均呈下降趋势,12 h之后下降趋势减慢;茶褐素在整个发酵过程中呈增加趋势,茶红素刚好相反;茶黄素含量有缓慢降低的趋势。综合分析不同萎凋和发酵程度成品红茶感官审评及其主要理化成分含量结果,认为丹霞2号茶树品种加工红茶的最佳工艺参数为萎凋33~36 h、发酵12~16 h。
      The change of chemical components and quality was researched, in the withering and fermentation period, with Danxia 2 as the material. The contents of soluble sugar and free amino acid decreased and then increased with withering time. Caffeine content changed between 4% and 5%. The contents of theabrownine and thearubigin reached to a maximum at 38 hours, and then decreased.While theaflavins maintained at a lower level in the wilting period. The contents of tea polyphenol performed declining in the wilting period, while water extracts increasing. In the fermentation period, the contents performed declining trend, including soluble sugar, free amino acid, caffeine, tea polyphenols and water extracts. And then decreasing trend slowed down after 12 hours. The content of theabrownines declined, while the content of thearubigins increased. The content of theaflavins had a slow decrease. So, based on sensory evaluation and chemical component results, the optimum wilting period was from 33 hours to 36 hours, and the fermentation being from 12 hours to 16 hours. Based on this procession, Danxia 2 had superior quality.
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