查看全文    HTML 丹霞白茶加工关键技术参数研究
Research on the key technology parameters during processing of Danxia white tea
中文关键词: 丹霞白茶  萎调  干燥  理化成分
英文关键词: Danxia white tea  withering  drying  physical and chemical compositions
卓敏,乔小燕,吴华玲,陈栋,王曦,韩雪文 广东科贸职业学院环境艺术系,
摘要点击次数: 1657
全文下载次数: 758
      丹霞1号和丹霞2号白茶是从粤北白毛茶群体中系统选育出来的无性系茶树新品种,由于过去仅局限于加工黄茶类白毛茶,推广应用很慢。为了加快其大面积推广及产业化开发的步伐,对以其鲜叶为原料加工丹霞白茶的萎凋和干燥技术参数以及不同萎凋、干燥处理对白茶品种风格的影响,进行比较系统的研究。结果表明:(1) 萎凋和干燥温度对丹霞白茶香味的形成影响极大。无论是随着萎凋时间的延长,还是干燥温度的提高,丹霞白茶的水浸出物、茶多酚、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖总量和咖啡碱含量总体上呈现出先减后增再降的趋势,在萎凋25~30 h处理区间,均达到最大值;而在60~70℃2 h的干燥处理区间,与白茶苦涩味密切相关的多酚类化合物和咖啡碱总量处于最低值,而分别对茶汤鲜爽度、浓度和甜度起重要作用的游离氨基酸、水浸出物和可溶性糖总量均处于最大值,而且在这一处理区间相应的白茶感官审评品质最好、总分最高。(2)综合评价研究过程中各处理白茶的感官质量及其理化成分的变化趋势,认为加工丹霞白茶最适宜的加工技术参数为院萎凋25~30h、鲜叶失重率54.0%~54.2%、干燥60~70℃ 2h,其次是萎凋20~35 h、鲜叶失重率54.0%~58.0%、干燥60~90℃2h.
      Danxia 1 and Danxia 2 were two new tea varieties bred by system selection from Baimao tea (Camellia sinensis var.pubilimba Chang) group in North of Guangdong. However, theses varieties were applied and extended slowly, since they were only processed to yellow tea in the past. In the present study, in order to accelerate large -scale popularization and industrialization development of the two clones, the withering and drying technology parameters, and the influence of different withering and drying treatments to white tea quality were studied systematically during white tea process with the fresh leaves. The results suggested that: (1)The withering time and drying temperature greatly influenced the formation of the fragrance of white tea. As the withering time or drying temperature increased, the contents of water soluble matters, polyphenols, free amino acids, soluble sugars and caffeine declined firstly,then rised, and then declined again. During withering for 25~30 h, these main contained substances were at the most. Whereas, during drying under 60~7℃ for 2 h, the total contents of polyphenols and caffeine, which were closely related to acerbity taste of white tea, attained the lowest, but those of free amino acids, water soluble matters and soluble sugars, which played key roles in fresh degree,concentration, and sweetness of tea, were at the highest values; Furthermore, the qualities of white tea under these treatments were the best through sensory evaluation. (2) By a comprehensive assessment from sensory quality evaluation and the changed trends of physical and chemical compositions under different treatments, the most appropriate processing technology parameters for Danxia white tea were determined as below: withering for 25~30 h, fresh leaf weight loss rate at 54.0%~54.2%, drying under 60~70 ℃ for 2 h, followed by withering for 20~35 h, fresh leaf weight loss rate at 54.0%~58.0%, drying under 60~90℃ for 2h.
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