黄鹏.PBO 对无花果生长结实的影响[J].广东农业科学,2013,40(1):60-61
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Effect of PBO on the growth and fecundity of Ficus carica Linn
中文关键词: 无花果  PBO  生长  结实
英文关键词: Ficus carica Linn  PBO  growth  fecundity
黄鹏 河南省林业科学研究院 
摘要点击次数: 2092
全文下载次数: 910
      采用5种不同浓度的PBO溶液对无花果进行叶面喷施,研究PBO 对无花果生长结实的影响。结果表明:PBO 对无花果结果枝生长具有显著的调控作用,经PBO处理的无花果生长势明显减弱、枝条变细尧、节间长度变短、叶片宽度和叶柄长度减小,而叶片厚度和重量增加。在50~200 mg/L间随着浓度的增加,其控枝效果越明显,当浓度增加到250mg/L时其处理效果不再呈增加趋势。喷施PBO能明显提高无花果的抗寒性,降低疫病危害和果形指数,果肉变硬,果实可溶性固形物含量有所增加,但单果重变化不大。在200~250 mg/L 间,无花果喷施PBO 增产效果较明显,综合考虑,PBO 在无花果上应用的适宜浓度为200 mg/L左右。
      5 different concentrations of PBO solution were sprayed on the leaves of Ficus carica Linn, and the effect on the growth and fecundity of F. carica Linn was studied. The results showed that PBO had significant effect on the growth of fruit branches. After treated by PBO, the growth potential of F. carica Linn decreased significantly, the branches turned thinner, internode length was shorter,leaf width and petiole length decreased, leaf thickness and weight increased. The effect of control branches was more obvious with the increase of PBO concentration when it was between 50~200 mg/L, and the treatment effect was no longer increase when the concentration increased to 250 mg/L. The application of PBO could significantly improve the cold resistance of F. carica Linn, reduce the disease harm and fruit shape index, increase fruit hardness and soluble solids content, but the single fruit weight changed little. The yield increased more obvious after spraying 200~250 mg/L PBO. In conclusion, the suitable concentration on F. carica Linn was about 200 mg/L.
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