查看全文    HTML 雷州黑鸭p94部分序列的克隆与蛋白功能分析
Clone and protein function analysis of p94 partial sequence of Leizhou black duck
中文关键词: 雷州黑鸭  p94  克隆  蛋白功能分析
英文关键词: Leizhou black duck  p94  clone  protein function analysis
汤绮明,苏瑛,张丽,刘丽文,陈琦,马猛,黄骏腾,刘鸿 广东海洋大学农学院 
摘要点击次数: 1746
全文下载次数: 792
      采用RT-PCR 法对雷州黑鸭p94 部分序列进行克隆,获得了大小为1100 bp 的核苷酸序列,该序列编码351 个氨基酸,其中亲水性氨基酸所占比例较高。对其蛋白结构进行分析,发现不存在跨膜结构及信号肽,其蛋白结构与鸡的p94分子蛋白结构相似。与人、鼠、鸡等物种进行同源性比对并构建系统发育树,结果发现,雷州黑鸭与鸡的同源性高达93.8%,在系统发育树中也聚为一支。综合分析可以推断出,雷州黑鸭的p94蛋白功能与鸡相似,参与肌纤维的发育及肌肉嫩度的调控,这为其在肉质嫩度上的表达调控提供了理论基础。
      In this research, p94 gene with 1 100 bp nucleotide was cloned from a Leizhou black duck by RT-PCR. It encoded a peptide with 351 amino acids, including a high proportion of hydrophilic amino acid. Through analysis on protein structure, it found that there was no transmembrane and signal peptide, which was similar to chicken’s p94 protein structure. Compared with human, mouse,chicken and other species on sequence identity, Leizhou black duck was 93.8% similar to that of chicken. And in phylogenetic tree,Leizhou black duck and chicken were in the same branch. In a word, it infered that p94 protein function of Leizhou duck was similar to that of chicken which participate in the development of muscle fibers and regulation of muscle tenderness. This provides a theoretical basis for expression and regulation of p94 on meat tenderness.
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