查看全文    HTML 紫金牛不同部位挥发油成分比较研究
Compared analysis on the constituents and their contents of the volatile oil from different parts in Ardisia japonica
中文关键词: 紫金牛  组分  挥发油  气相色谱-质谱法
英文关键词: Ardisia japonica  constituent  volatile oil  gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
胡文杰,江香梅,章挺,杨海宽 井冈山大学生命科学学院江西省林业科学院省植物生物技术重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 1567
全文下载次数: 762
      采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取紫金牛根、茎、叶、种子等不同部位挥发油,用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对其化学成分进行分离鉴定,采用峰面积归一法确定各组分的相对含量。结果表明:从紫金牛根、茎、叶和种子挥发油中共检测出79 种化学成分,其中有4种相同化学成分。这些共有成分的相对百分含量分别占紫金牛根、茎、叶和种子挥发油中总相对百分含量的62.59%、70.15%、47.71%和45.62%。在紫金牛不同部位挥发油中含量最多的成分均为α-石竹烯,按其含量排序为:茎(69.64%)>根(61.53%)>叶(43.56%)>果渊41.33%);其次是石竹烯,除果实中未检测到外,其他部位含量排序为:茎(17.96%)>根(15.44%)>叶(7.87%)。两种成分含量之和为茎(87.60%)>根(76.97%)>叶(51.43%)>果(41.33%)。试验结果可为紫金牛挥发油成分的化学利用提供科学依据。
      The volatile oil from the root, stem, leaf and seed in Ardisia japonica (Hornsted) BL. was extracted by steam distillation method, relatively. The constituents and their contents of the oil from different parts were tested and analyzed by means of capillary gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that there were 79 components were identified from A. japonica, and the four same components were detected from 4 different parts of A. japonica. The contents of the same components accounted for 62.59%, 70.15%, 47.71%, 45.62% of the root, stem, leaf and seed overall volatile oils repectively. The results demonstrated that the most component from the 4 different parts was only the α-Caryophyllene, and arrangement in content of the component order was stem>root>leaf>seed. The second component stored in root, stem and leaf was Caryophyllene, stored in seed was g-caryophyllen, and it was the most different among seed oil and another 3 parts oil. In a word, this research could provide a foundation for utilization in A. japonica.
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