查看全文    HTML 松涛水库长臀鮠遗传多样性研究
Genetic diversity of Cranoglanis bouderius in Songtao reservoir
中文关键词: 松涛水库  线粒体控制区  遗传多样性
英文关键词: Cranoglanis bouderius  Sontao reservoir  mitochondrial DNA control region  genetic diversity
高志远,章群,夏月恒,陈德荫,朱叶,李贵生 暨南大学水生生物研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1728
全文下载次数: 717
      在测定的海南松涛水库南丰、番加、白沙群体44 条长臀鮠线粒体DNA 控制区全序列961 bp 中,T、C、A、G 碱基含量分别为31.2%、21.7%、34.0%、13.1%;共出现26 个变异位点,其中多态信息位点18 个,简约信息位点14 个;共检测到11 个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.8594±0.0169,核苷酸多样性为0.00484±0.00313,呈现出较高的单倍型多样性与较为贫乏的核苷酸多样性。其中白沙群体的核苷酸多样性最高(0.00517±0.001847),番加群体的最低(0.00482±0.004522)。Tajima's D (0.36899,P>0.10)和Fu'Fs (0.09041,P。0.10)中性检验以及核苷酸不配对分析均表明长臀鮠并未经历过大规模的种群扩张。Fst 分析(-0.00324~-0.01878,P<0.05)与分子方差分析(-3.87%,P<0.05)显示群体间无明显遗传分化,表明3个群体隶属于同一种群。就松涛水库长臀鮠而言,建议优先保护白沙群体。
      On 961 bp mitochondria DNA control region sequences of 44 individuals in 3 Cranoglanis bouderius groups(Nanfeng, Panjia, Baisha)from the Songtao reservoir in Hainan province, the average content of A, T, G, C were 31.2%, 21.7%, 34.0% and 13.1% respectively. 26 variant sites were found, of which 18 sites were polymorphic and 14 sites were parsimony informative. 11 haplotypes were found in 44 individuals, the haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.8594 ±0.0169 and 0.00484 ±0.00313 respectively,presenting high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity phenomenon, of which the nucleotide diversity of Baisha group was highest (0.00517±0.001847), and Panjia group had the poorest nucleotide diversity (0.00482±0.004522). Tajima 's D (0.36899, P>0.10) and Fu' Fs (0.09041, P>0.10) neutral testing and nucleotide mismatch distribution analysis showed that C. bouderius might not have experienced a large-scale expansion. Fst analysis (-0.00324~-0.01878, P<0.05) and AMOVA analysis (-3.87%, P<0.05) suggested that no obvious genetic differentiation were found among populations, indicating that the 3 groups should be managed as the same population. As far as C. bouderius in Songtao reservoir was concerned, Baisha group should be protected in priority.
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