查看全文    HTML 药用植物金银花内生细菌的分离和特性研究
Isolation and characteristic of endophytic bacteria in medicinal plant Flos lonicerae
中文关键词: 金银花  内生细菌  生理生化特性  芽孢杆菌属
英文关键词: Flos lonicerae  endophytic bacteria  physiological and biochemical characteristics  Bacillus
徐亚军,赵龙飞,代猛,阮文静,白莉敏,张广月,步玲玲,周佩佩,张嫚 商丘师范学院生命科学学院/河南省高校植物与微生物互作重点实验室/河南省高校生物质降解与气化工程技术研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1844
全文下载次数: 692
      Taking medicinal plant Flos Lonicerae as experimental material, endophytic bacteria of different parts of root, stem and leaf were isolated and purified, cell features were determined by Gram dye and Spore dye methods. They were preliminary classified into two types (first type and second type) combined clony characteristic, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Microbes were counted by dilution spread method for different parts of F. lonicerae. Results indicated that distribution of endophytic bacteria total number in root was the most, leaf was second and stem was the least, it suggestted that distribution difference of endophytic bacteria in F. lonicerae was in accordance with different parts. Based on dye features, microscopic observation results and cultive characteristics, endophytic bacterial first type was accorded with genus Bacillus, and second type was accorded with characteristics of genus Paenibacillus.
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