查看全文    HTML 三峡库区农村居民点集约用地模式研究———以重庆市长寿区为例
Intensive land use patterns of rural settlement in Three Gorges Reservoir Area——A case study in Changshou District of Chongqing
中文关键词: 三峡库区  农村居民点  集约用地模式  重庆市长寿区
英文关键词: Three Gorges Reservoir Area  rural settlement  intensive land use patterns  Changshou District of Chongqing
汪鹏,王彦美,曹伟, 重庆市国土资源和房屋勘测规划院国土资源部土地利用重点实验室重庆研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1561
全文下载次数: 584
      We set up an integrated indicator system of rural settlement’s consolidation zoning in Changshou District of Chongqing, an representative area in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China. This integrated indicator system consists of three subsystems: natural environment, society-economy, and land status. The indicators’weights are determined by analytic hierarchy process (AHP). And then,rural settlement in Changshou has been divided into three main consolidation zones according to each town’s comprehensive evaluation index. The zones include Ⅰ-level optimized consolidation area, Ⅱ-level emphasized consolidation area, and Ⅲ-level prioritized consolidation area. Combined with different consolidation zones’characteristics, we discuss three intensive land use pattern of rural settlement, including the type of community immigration, the type of urban -rural harmony, and the type of scattered immigration,respectively. Three consolidation zones should take the differential models: (1)Ⅰ-level optimized consolidation area: it should adopt the intensive land use pattern of scattered immigration; (2)Ⅱ-level emphasized consolidation area: it is suited to choose the intensive land use pattern of urban-rural harmony; (3)Ⅲ-level prioritized consolidation area: the intensive land use pattern of community immigration should be selected. According to the intensive land use patterns, we built three rural migrant residential technology demonstration projects in Changshou District, which involved the type of community immigration, the type of urban-rural harmony, and the type of scattered immigration. The demonstration projects improved the level of land saving and intensive use by settlement’s consolidation and peasant’s unity residence.
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