查看全文    HTML 农业企业社会责任危机响应模式———基于双汇“瘦肉精”事件的案例研究
Response mode of agricultural corporate social responsibility crisis——Case research based on the event of clenbuterol in Shuanghui
中文关键词: 企业社会责任危机  响应模式  农业企业
英文关键词: corporate social responsibility crisis  response mode  agricultural enterprises
马少华,欧晓明 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1480
全文下载次数: 561
      Because of the homogeneity of agricultural products, corporate social responsibility crisis in agricultural enterprises is a threat to the development of agricultural enterprises, and even the survival of the industry. So the key to solving the crisis is the response mode of agricultural enterprises. In this paper, by analyzing response mode of Shuanghui in the event of clenbuterol and theoretically discussing response mode of corporate social responsibility crisis, the study found that corporate social responsibility crisis in agricultural enterprises involves multi-stakeholder interests, its corporate social responsibility crisis response mode is the result of trade-offs between short -term interests and long -term interests, the requirements of multi -game, its response mode including passive response, active embedded, strategic orientation. The response process of agricultural corporate social responsibility crisis is a dynamic and spiraling process.
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