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Effect of postharvest factors on postharvest diseases of lychee (Litchi chinensis) fruits
黄雪梅,庞学群,张昭 华南农业大学园艺学院华南农业大学生命科学学院 
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      探讨了温度、湿度、酸度、果皮含水量以及杀菌剂对荔枝采后病害的影响。结果表明,低温、低pH可减少生长在PDA上的荔枝霜疫霉菌菌落的生长半径,热水浸酸处理和低湿度能有效控制荔枝霜疫霉病和青霉病的发生,而果皮干燥后浸酸处理对控制荔枝青霉病的发生更有效。比较了7种化学杀菌剂对霜疫霉菌菌落的抑杀效果,发现施保克、施保功、使百克和特克多在7 μg/L浓度下可完全杀灭菌落,对霜疫霉的半致死剂量分别为0.1853、0.3260、0.4350、0.8080 μg/L;疫霜灵、山梨酸和抑霉唑在450 μg/L浓度以上才可完全杀灭菌落,对霜疫霉菌的半致死剂量分别为231.1、401.9、541.9 μg/L。因此,施保克等杀菌剂结合果皮干燥后浸酸处理可为荔枝冷藏技术提供参考。
      Postharvest factors such as temperature, relative humidity, pH value, water content of the pericarp and several fungicides on posthavest diseases of lychee fruits were investigated in this paper. The diameters of colony of Peronophythora litchii cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) were reduced in lower temperature as well as lower pH. Treating the fruit by boiling water combining with acid dipping and hence stored in lower relative humidity could reduce the occurring of P. litchii and Penicillium spp.. Treating the fruit by drying pericarp combining with acid dipping not only maintained the red colour of the pericarp but also suppressed Penicillium spp.,the main disease occurring in 0~4℃storage. The inhibition effects of seven fungicides to colony of P. litchii cultured on PDA were analyzed. Sportak, sporgon, shibaike and tecto totally inhibited the growth of colony at a concentration below 7 μg/L, and the EC50 were 0.1853, 0.3260, 0.4350, 0.8080 μg/L respectively. But aliene, sorbic acid and imazalil inhibited the growth of colony at a concentration above 450 μg/L, and the EC50 were 231.1, 401.9, 541.9 μg/L respectively. Drying pericarp combining with acid dipping or using the fungicides such as sportak might serve as a postharvest treatment for cold storage of lychee fruits.
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