查看全文    HTML 铜胁迫对饲料油菜种子萌发的影响
Effects of copper stress on seed germination of Feed Brassica napus L.
中文关键词: 铜胁迫  饲料油菜  种子  萌发
英文关键词: copper stress  Feed Brassica napus L  seed  germination
唐胜球,李海渤,杨培周,王丽,董小英 韶关学院英东农业科学与工程学院合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1510
全文下载次数: 582
      The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of copper stress on germination of Feed Brassica napus L. Using Petri dish-paper germination method, seed of Feed B. napus L was treated with different concentrations (0, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 mg/L) of CuSO4, and the length of radicle, fresh weight of embryo, germination rate, germination energy, germination index and lipase activity were measured. The results showed that low concentrations (20 or 40 mg/L) of copper could promote seed germination, and length of radicle, fresh weight of embryo, germination rate, germination energy, germination index and lipase activity were higher than that of the,control, and the effects of 20 mg/L copper was more significant. However, compared to the control, the high concentration of copper could decrease the efficiency of seed germination. Low concentrations of copper could stimulate seed germination while high concentrations of copper inhibit seed germination of Feed B. napus L.
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